Now, really. The unionists of Public Power Company decided to end their strike after an Athens court ruled the strike was “illegal” and the Greek government was about to or it did indeed issued ‘civil mobilization order’. To tell you the truth I didn’t really care much to read in detail the news concerning power cuts and unionists strikes – especially the PPC union strike… I don’t even feel like writing all details about the PPC union and the roles the unions at state run enterprises play and have played. Now, really. I have written about it in the past and believe it or not, I am too lazy to go search the …link to the post.
I am exhausted by the late noon and early afternoon heat, by the fact that KTG-blog had some technical problems till an hour ago and by the long list of things I have to fix in my life outside the internet world.
So it’s time for a nice walk and let’s keep in touch until tomorrow.
PS there are long debates on television channels and I really don’t know what they talk and they argue about. We have said everything during the last four years, didn’t we? And BTW: and nothing changed…