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Home / News / Politics / Turkey turns down German Defense Minister’s request to tour on NATO vessel

Turkey turns down German Defense Minister’s request to tour on NATO vessel

German Defense Minister Ursula von der Leyen wanted to tour Greek and Turkish terrirotial waters on a NATO ship, the frigate BONN, the supply vessel of the NATO Mission to stem the refugee flow from Turkey. As Germany holds the rotating leadership fo the SNMG2 force, it was understandable for von der Leyen to want a kind of ‘inspection tour’. The plan was that BONN would sail between Lesvos and the Turkish coast.

Minister Ursula von der Leyen would also show her people back home that she is in full command of the refugee flow..

Alas! The German Defense Minister made her calculations “without the doorman” as we say here in Greece. while Athens was quick to hand out the relevant permission, Ankara simply turned down the request.

According to Greek Military affairs website, “Turkey did not give a diplomatic permission, thus creating a diplomatic incident between Berlin and Ankara. Germany’s reaction is not known, so far, the issue has not been solved until now.”

So, probably Frau von der Leyen will sail international and Greek territorial waters. And Ankara will maybe bother to explain to her that “once Turkey agreed to NATO mission under the precondition that no NATO vessel will patrol in Turkish territorial waters … That’s it!”

Meanwhile, the four frigates and the German supply vessel calmly sail around the Aegean, enjoying the sunshine and deep blue sea and are reportedly “stand by” awaiting for NATO to finally finalize the full operational plan and the NATO South Command in Naples, Italy the Grand OK.

von der leyen

This NATO mission was supposedly an initiative of Germany and Turkey. But as said… should have known better.

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  1. The only solution is strategic bombing of Turkey by Russia

  2. Giaourti Giaourtaki

    She can smartly have a ride on a volunteers boat of Greenpeace or so, take on your ski Ursula, and jump the waves on the border, one turn left, one turn right, one turn Greek, one turn Turkish in a Bikini with international colours of peace, but you and your N.A.T.O.-mercenaries, don’t kill any animals because the Aegaen belongs to the fish!

  3. The Welt broadcasts that the pictures from FYROM border are extremely beneficial for Greece.

    WELT supposes Greece could very easily push back the ships coming from Turkey. Is it so easily to push back rubber boats?

    And the conclusions are that for Germany and Greece the present situation with Balkan blocade is extremely beneficial.

    • keeptalkinggreece

      you have wasted all your comments resources

    • Giaourti Giaourtaki

      Die Welt is the leading anti-hellenistic force behind Bild and Focus, their TV-channel is called N24, the later is sometimes pro and sometimes contra, depends on time and being too lazy to learn Greek

    • Everything you have posted above is complete garbage. How do you manage it? Even a monkey would be able to get one or two things right.