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Doctors of the World leave Chios Hot Spot after clashes among refugees

Clashes between Syrian and Afghan refugees and migrants in the “detention center” on the island of Chios on Thursday night ended with two people stabbed and many with injuries in the legs and the head and severe damage at the facilities of humanitarian organization Doctors of The World that provides medical assistance. Police had to intervene with sound flares.

chios refugees

According to local, the reason for the clashes is not known, however, earlier on Thursday, the refugees and migrants rushed to the main gate, broke the chain and run out of the center in an effort to hold a protest against the conditions of their detention and their demand to not be sent back to Turkey.

After the clashes last night that caused damages worth 30,000 euro, the Doctors of the World announced that they will leave the detention center.

Tensions and clashes between Syrian and Afghans is common with the first group to be recognized as “refugees’ and the second to live in frustration of being recognized as “migrant” and very slim chances to be granted asylum.

Χίος: Οι μετανάστες «απέδρασαν» από το hotspot

Friday noon, the refugees and migrants managed to break the gate of the detention center and are now reportedly marching towards the town of Chios.

Local residents have told media that they “do not feel safe.”

According to latest data released by Greek authorities on 1. April 2016, as of 8:30 am, there are 1,529 people in Chios detention center, while 211 new arrivals have been recorded this morning.

Lesvos and Chios are the two islands now targeted by human traffickers, while new arrivals on Kos, Samos nad Leros have been practically minimized to zero.

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