Germany’s support is clear and given, German Chancellor Angela Merkel stated on Friday when Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras raised the issue of Turkish provocations in the Aegean. Tsipras had pointed out that, while EU-Turkey cooperation on migration was effective – as admitted by all sides – it was necessary that there be no tensions in the Aegean.
Regarding the quadrilateral meeting held between Tsipras, Merkel, European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker and Bulgarian Prime Minister Boyko Borisov, Greek government sources reported agreement on all sides that EU-Turkey cooperation on migration was effective and must be safeguarded.
Moreover, they agreed to step up cooperation on migration. Among the points of this agreement is the provision of German and European support for equipment, supplies and human resources needed for the management of the borders, while the European Commission will support the faster processing of asylum applications.
Meeting German Chancellor Angela Merkel on Friday, Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras reiterated the Greek government’s determination to find a sustainable, stable and mutually acceptable solution regarding the name of Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYROM), with a single name to be used for all purposes (erga omnes). Tsipras met Merkel on the sidelines of the International High Level Conference on the Sahel taking place in Brussels.
According to Greek government sources, their talks focused on the results of FYROM Prime Minister Zoran Zaev’s visit to Germany. Sources say that Merkel continues to encourage the government in Skopje to work in the direction of a solution. source: amna
Yes! keep the immigrants out of northern Europe. Let the Turks keep damaging your warships and minds, and when they have taken what they want then we will interfere to keep you safe.
Merkel is one more “friend” on Greece’s list of enemies?
Yes, indeed, he’s absolutely right! ☝🏻👏🏻 Turkey have to stop this, but Mister Erdogan won’t take any advice from Mister Tsipras i guess… 🤔 That’s the main problem…
Oh right, Mrs. Merkel is stepping up work on migrant applications in Germany to more quickly send the rejects back to Greece, as Dublin-resurrected ‘point of entry’. And Mrs. Merkel is busy selling arms to the Middle East ‘coalition partners’ that create more (legit) migrants. And the German navy is now in control of Greek waters with the non-sovereign greek navy ‘supporting’ it. And Germany has announced its intention (without democratic consultation) to take over and ‘lead’ ALL the armed forces of Europe….
…..and little Alexis agrees to it all!
Quidquid id est, timeo Danaos et dona ferentes… but do I say that!I forgot, Tsipras is merkel’s errand boy.