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Parliament: Golden Dawn MP calls on military coup and arrest of Greece’s political leadership

During a speech at the Plenary of the Greek Parliament, one of the MPs of far-right Golden Dawn called on the army to intervene and overthrow the government. The Prime Minister, the President of the Republic and the Defense Minister should be arrested, he said. “Their heads [should roll] in Prespes,” MP Konstantinos Barbarousis screamed in an unprecedented fascist rant during the plenary debate on the New Democracy censure motion against the government over the Macedonia agreement.

“I call on the military leadership to stick to its oath and to arrest Alexis Tsipras, Panos Kammenos and Prokopis Pavlopoulos in order to avoid this treason. Your heads in Prespes!” he shouted and repeated this threat while he was walking away from the podium under the applause of his fellow GDs and the strong disapproval by all other political parties.

Parliament Speaker, Nikos Voutsis, said “Today the masks fell. The Golden Dawn that came here with the vote of the Greek people, calls for a coup against the Democratic Republic, and even for a military coup.”

The Ethics Committee of the Palriament has called to an urgent meeting to deal with the issue today, Friday. “GD MPs may be banned from attending the debate,” State broadcaster ERT reported. An hour later, it was decided that GD MPs will not be allowed to take the floor and speak during the debate on the no-confidence vote.

Committee President from Communist KKE asked that Barbarousis statements are erased fromm the Parliament minutes. But Education Minister (SYRIZA) said they have to stay for historical purposes. One member form PASOk and one from To Potami agreed with the minister.

After the insident in Parliament, some GD MPs joined the protest against the Macedonia agreement outside the Parliament. News website newsit, spotted some of the GD MPs among the few dozens, apparently GD supporters.

Website Dromografos has also a picture of Barbarousis among the protesters outside the Palriament.

They have gathered outside the Parliament since 10 o’ clock Friday morning, in a protest against the Macedon agreement. It will be an on-going protest until Saturday night, the organizers said.

The Prime Ministers of Greece and FYROM are supposed to sign the Macedonia agreement in Prespes on Saturday, the the meeting may be postponed for Sunday, due to the voting of the no-confidence motion of New Democracy.

It is worth noting, that some ND officials have also called for a protest rally outside the Palriament on Saturday.

Some Greeks wondered on social media why the GD MP was not immediately arrested for openly calling for a military coup and overthrowing the Constitutional Democracy and thus inside the Greek Parliament.

Such a statement is a clear threat to Constitution and could bring sentences between 15 and 20years and even life imprisonment.

But main reason for the non-arrest is the parliamentary immunity Greece’s lawmakers enjoy.

On Thursday, the publisher of small newspaper Makeleio, Stefanos Chios, was arrested following a prosecutor’s investigation on Wednesday’s front page inciting to violence against Tsipras, Kammenos and Pavlopoulos.

With every passing minute, the democratic front is getting more and more outrageous about Barbarousis’s statements and openly call Golden Dawn “fascists”, “Nazis”, “neo-Nazis” and “junta-supporters.”

PS Calling names is not enough. Democracy has to defend itself and take drastic measures against those who exploit and insult it.

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One comment

  1. Even stray dogs would be more competent than most of today’s leaders. The few exceptions include Orbán, Zeman, Putin, Xi, Farage. Many people here in Brazil are also calling for a military coup.