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How can you help the people affected by Athens wildfires?

There are a lot of requests by people living abroad who want to donate for the people affected by the wildfires in Athens. Below is a list of  public and other institutions where you can make a donation.

The list was complied by a team of Greeks who have also double checked the accounts and the IBNs, so that the money indeed goes to the municipalities/organizations etc and not to some scum.

These are special bank accounts extra set up for donations for the people affected by the wildfires.


→ A special bank account by Rafina-Pikermi municipality in collaboration with Piraeus Bank.
ΙΒΑΝ: GR20 0172 1860 0051 8609 2291 418




→ Special bank account by Marathonas Municipality

Piraeus Bank

Bank account: 5120092305477

Currency: EUR

IBAN: GR49 0172 1200 0051 2009 2305 477
Account holder: ΔΗΜΟΣ ΜΑΡΑΘΩΝΟΣ (Marathon Municipality)

Settlements Mati, Neos Voutzas, Nea Makri, Rafina and others in Marathon Municipality and Rafina-Pikermi Municipality are most affected by the wildfires. More than 81 lost their lives, dozens are still missing 48 hours after the fires. More than 1000 homes and more than 300 were burned down and thousands of people lost everything they owned.

→ Donations for Lyreion Orphanage Children’s Institution (which is burned)
IBAN: GR83 0140 1760 1760 0200 2000 196
Bank: Alpha Bank

Until the devastating fires on Monday, the Orphanage was hosting 65 children. All of them are currently in safety in other institutions.

Lyreion Orphanage

→ Special account set by Greek state. Account is managed by Parliament Speaker, Finance Ministry & Transport Ministry and is monitored by a special team of assigned controllers.

Bank of Greece

IBAN: GR4601000230000002341195169



–> Greek Red Cross:
IBAN: GR6402602400000310201181388

–> Médecins du Monde Greece:
National Bank of Greece
IBAN: GR27 0110 1410 0000 1412 9611 217
IBAN: GR06 0140 1990 1990 0200 2002 401
Piraeus Bank
IBAN: GR03 0172 0180 0050 1800 5706 640

–> Athens Chamber of Commerce and Industry (ΕΒΕΑ)
National Bank of Greece
special account: ΕΒΕΑ-ΠΛΗΓΕΝΤΕΣ
ΙΒΑΝ GR2801100400000004001570235

–> The Association of Greek Municipalities (KEDE) has set up an account for donations that will be distributed to affected by the wildfires: Municipality of Rafina-Pikermi and of Marathonas in East Attica as wells as to Municipality of Megara in West Attica. The funds will be distributed by the social services of the municipalities with priority to those whose first residence was destroyed.

National Bank of Greeces

special account: ΙΒΑΝ GR90 0110 1510 0000 1510 0284 874

–> Items collection for London

LONDONERS are collecting aid for those affected by wildfires in Greece. See below for details:
Dry and canned food, medications (antiseptics,burning creams etc) , clothing, toiletries ( baby wipes, pads, toothbrushes etc).
The collection points are :
– St Mary’s Hospital – Praed St, Paddington, London W2 1NY – Maternity Ultrasound Reception -Cambridge Wing ,
– Queen Charlotte Hospital , Du Cane Rd, White City, London W12 0HS- Maternity Ultrasound Reception
FROM 24/7-27/7 ( Tue -Fri) 09.00am to 04.00pm ONLY – all aid will be shipped to Greece straight after the end of collection on Friday!
For more information please email : [email protected]

The List can be updated anytime.

via katerinakanellidou, ktg & others

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  1. Bernardo de Brito e Cunha

    Thanks for sharing!

  2. Where can we send clothing donations to ? we are on the Island of Alonissos

    • keeptalkinggreece

      normally municipalities across Greece collect items. Care ot ask in Alonissos? or check Marathonas, Rafina Municipality links for contact