A shocking video recorded by security cameras shows the brutal murder of Albanian convict Arber Bako in Korydalos prison in Athens. The footage shows two other convicts chasing Bako and keep stabbing on him with a knife even when prison guards arrive. The prison guards seem helpless while the cold blooded murder is taking place in front of their eyes.. They can only transport the bleeding victim away.
Arber Bako was killed on 14. January 2019 following 17 stabs at the neck and chest.He was reportedly murdered by a 34-year-old Albanian and a 25-year-old Greek.
The 36-year-old victim was convicted for the attempted murder of lawyer Antonopoulos, while he is also accused of being the initiator of the murder of lawyer Michalis Zafiropoulos in his office in Athens in October 2017. It is believed that they were executing “death contracts” against the lawyers.
He was reportedly a very active member of a big Albanian gang that operates in and outside Attica in the last decade.
The video of horror was obtained by Sunday newspaper To Vima and its release trigger an outrage.
The document is an evidence of what is happening in the country’s largest prison, where Bako was not the first and will probably be not the last convict to be killed by other inmates. Several videos released in recent weeks but also media reports have often pointed out that Korydallos prison in under control of the Albania mafia.
Bako was killed a few hours after he was transferred to Korydallos from Domokos prison. According to to to vima, he had texted his lawyer that he was afraid “of his Albanian friends in Korydallos. I’m afraid, they will kill me.”
According to media, in Korydallos Bako was transferred to the same cell with his co-defendants in the case of Zafiropoulos murder. At some point, and while the reasons for the incident remain unknown, one of the inmates attacked him with a makeshift knife and the others started to beat him. With the cell doors being obviously open, the victim started to run in the corridor and managed to reach the ground floor a few meters away from the prison guards. Two of his attackers chased him and did not stop stabbing him with the knife in front of the guards’ eyes.
This Albanian gang is reportedly linked to 12 attacks in prisons and 20 outside.
According to media reports, ten bloody clashes have occurred in Korydallos prison in the last months, 26 prisoners have died due to various reasons, while dozens were injured.
The creepy video raises also a lot of questions about the prison guards as well as the responsibilities of the Justice Ministry and the state.
However, the video release triggered the angry reaction of the Justice Ministry that speaks of “efforts to create impression” and “mislead the public opinion.”
In a statement released on Sunday, the ministry says among others that is it the recipient of “war attacks” while it has started initiatives after Bako’s murder to “clean the prisons from the Albanian mafia.”
The ministry said also that the Bako’s murder was under investigation.