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Tsipras makes hope for “Christmas bonus” for Greece’s pensioners

Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras open the window for more benefits saying “our goal is a Christmas bonus” for the country’s pensioners.

Speaking to news247 FM on Monday, Tsipras said that the government the so-called “13th pension equivalent to Easter bonus before it was cut due to austerity measures imposed by the lenders in 2011.

“These are the possibilities of the Greek economy and we exhaust them in order to support many citizens,” Tsipras stressed. He added “our goal is to give this bonus both on Christmas and Easter.”

Furthermore, he said that his government plant to legislate against the broadening of the tax-free basis but the when is part of the government planning.

He rejected the pressure by main opposition New Democracy to legislate accordingly as soon as possible.

“We don;t deal with the PR tricks of the opposition. There is no Greek to believe that we won’t legislate the cancelling of the tax-free.

Upon pressure by the International Monetary Fund in 2016, the government had to accept the measure scheduled to be implemented as of 2020.

If the “obsessive forces of austerity” prevail in Greece and in Europe, that would be a risk for the positive measures, Tsipras said.

He added that the extreme neoliberal technocrats and the forces of the ideological obsession with austerity disagree with the relief measures. the Prime Minister made again a reference against the conservative candidate for the European Commission Presidency Manfred Weber. and again referred to Manfred Weber.

Weber said that the measures taken by the Greek government burden the European taxpayers.

“Our answer to Mr. Weber is that the time that Greece was the weakest link of Europe is over, and that these measures do not set at risk the fiscal stability as they derive from the excessive surplus which is the result of the government’s plan and the Greek people’s sacrifices, Tsipras underlined.

PS With all these relief measures Greeks could be a bit richer until the Eu and local elections on May 26, howmuchmore when the time for parliamentary elections come….

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