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Home / News / CORONAVIRUS / Vaccination platform for ages 65-69 opens on April 2; read also on allergies, thrombosis

Vaccination platform for ages 65-69 opens on April 2; read also on allergies, thrombosis

Greece proceeds with fast pace with the inoculation of citizens and the online platform where citizens aged 65-69 can book an appointment for vaccination against Covid-19 will open on Friday, April 2, 2021, Greece’s health authorities said on Monday. Speaking at the Live Briefing on Monday,health authorities revealed also that citizens with serious allergies will have the option to arrange an appointment at a hospital and not at a regular vaccination center. At the some time, they spoke about the thrombosis risk when AstraZeneca vaccine is being used.

Citizens are entitled to Covid-19 vaccine only if they have social security number AMKA.

The online platform to book an appointment is here at emvolio.gov.gr, in Greek only.

Health Secretary General for Primary Health Care Marios Themistokleous said more than 26,000 vaccinations were carried out on Monday, reaching 1,630,000 inoculations total in Greece.

This figure is equivalent to a 10.14% of Greek citizens having received one dose of the vaccine.

There are over 1,000 vaccination centers across the country, he added.

Themistokleous said that those who suffer from serious allergies will be given the option to declare it, so they can be vaccinated at hospitals rather than regular inoculation centers.

Some 1.5 million vaccinations are planned for the month of April, while at least 1.1 million doses of the Pfizer vaccine will be delivered soon. Furthermore, 450,000 doses from AstraZeneca and 100,000 from Moderna are expected, while Johnson & Johnson will deliver 1.2 million doses of their single-shot vaccine by June.

Head of the Greek National Vaccination Committee Maria Theodoridou drew attention to a “considerable number of reluctant citizens who fear allergic reactions, a fear which also feeds from the fact that some doctors are themselves hesitant too, leading to cancellations of vaccination appointments.”

Serious anaphylactic reactions are the only reason to not receive the vaccine, Theodoridou said, howver, she added that common allergies do not fall in this category of warning.

Only 28 cases of reaction against the AstraZeneca vaccine have been recorded in the 17 million doses administered globally thus far, she noted.

Concerning the AstraZeneca vaccine, she said that Greece aligned itself with the European Medicines Agency and the World Health Organization and thus it continues to inoculate citizens with it, while keeping a close eye on all the latest scientific findings.

She said possible symptoms which may be considered suspicious are chest and abdominal pain and headache – that may occur 7 to 14 days after the fact of vaccination. She clarified, however, that a history of thrombosis is not a reason enough to not have it done.

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  1. It states above that only people with an Amka number are entitled to a vaccination, what will happen to all the people who have retired here and do not have an amka number are they not entitled to have a vaccination?

    • Retired people living in Greece are supposed to have an AMKA number and make tax declarations. Even if their pensions are paid directly from abroad, their country of tax residence will be Greece. They need to sort out their irregular/illegal situation (especially UK nationals) using accountants and possibly a lawyer. Getting an AMKA will be the very first step in doing so.

      • Arther Clarke

        Having been here for 15 years, built a property, have an accountant all taxes paid, any healthcare also paid for and never been advised to get an AMKA number so is our accountant at fault?
        Lee we have registered with Emolia.gov.gr for the vaccination and the form asked for tax and passport number if we did not have AMKA did not see anything which suggested we could apply for a temporary AMKA number we have aslo been to the KEP Office who advised that they are altering the form? worry is the article states that we will not be able to have the vaccine without the AMKA, any further advse would be most welcome

    • Terry, you can apply for a temporary AMKA number by going to emvolio.gov.gr
      Unfortunately though the response time is quite long as my husband applied for one 3 or 4 weeks ago and is still waiting to hear back.

  2. Marianne Acker-Hüttebräucker

    Wir haben auch die temporäre AMKA von einer Woche beantragt. Sollte das wirklich so lange dauern bis man Antwort bekommt?
    Kann man sich irgendwo danach erkundigen?