An amusement park in Athens that had been operating for 17 years without a license was shut down last month by the National Transparency Authority (EAD), it was announced on Tuesday.
The authority had issued an ex officio order to check the legality of the licensing and operation of the amusement park’s activity.
After a preliminary investigation based on a complaint, it was found that its operating license was granted in 2006, it had expired long ago and it was not extended.
According to news website, the amusement park was operating without a legal license from 2001 until 2006 due to conflicts with locals, complaints, administrative obstacles and court issues.
The amusement park was finally closed down on May 16, 2023.
Investigation revealed, among others, a discrepancy between the license and the forms of entertainment games found on the premises, as well as differences in buildings, sizes, corridors and railings from the submitted plans for the issuance of the said license.
Following inspection by the Athens Fire Service the park’s fire protection certificate was revoked and a fine for violations was imposed.
The business also occupied land designated as a street.
worth noting that no media publishes the name of the park.
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17 years operating without a license? Only in Greece, I’m sure someone received a lot of bribe money to keep this place open.
some-many lol