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Greek activists arrived in Athens – also 3 French, 1 American

At 3:10 in the morning the C-130 carrying 31 Greeks, 3 French and one American citizen  landed at Elefsina military airport, near Athens. More than 100 relatives and supporters cheered them and shouted Pro-Palaistinean slogans. Alternate FM D. Droutsas  and two lawmakers  were alo at the airport to meet the home coming flotilla activists.

The departutre of the airplane was delayed for a couple of hours, what the activists describe as ‘hazing’. reports that while at the Ben Gurion airport, 10 Israeli Security men beated the doctor of  the Greek mission. Also V. Pissias and the American Paul Laubodin has a simiral treatment, they were beaten and tortured.

Aris Xatzistefanou , journalist who was on board of Mavi Marmara , described at SKY radio what happened  during the attack by Israeli commandos in the Turkish vessel.  

Hatzistefanou said that after seizing the ship, the Israelis  soldiers banned people from providing medical assistance to the wounded, who “were slowly fainting for two hours “. He said also later the soldiers ‘sacked’ injured ones, who had internal bleeding in the helicopters, despite begging calls doctors, who were begging not to move the injured in such a rude way.

Talking about the detaintion conditions, Xatzistefanou said that  during the interrogations, also young agents of Mossad were present, who apparently they were getting a trianing.

Theodoros Mpoukas speaking to described the assualt as ‘piracy’ and said that the Israelis applied “extensive psychological pressure“.

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According to Haaretz newspaper :Seven planes were being used to deport 527 activists to Turkey and Greece, Israeli Interior Ministry spokeswoman Sabine Haddad said. Seven  activists remained in Israeli hospitals for treatment of wounds suffered during the Israeli raid, she said.

After all the planes took off, the Israeli Foreign Ministry said three activists remained in detention over documentation and other issues, without elaborating. The three were from Ireland, Australia and Italy.

About a dozen female activists scuffled with security officers at the airport but were quickly subdued by authorities, Israeli officials said. Officials said no charges would be filed and the women were deported as planned.

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