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Home / News / Economy / Greece’s Financial Crime Units Probe Hundreds of Tax Evaders, also up to 60 Politicians

Greece’s Financial Crime Units Probe Hundreds of Tax Evaders, also up to 60 Politicians

It isn’t 32, it isn’t 36, it isn’t 38… According to Sunday edition of Kathimerini, it is up to 60 politicians under investigation by Financial Crime Units (SDOE) of Greek financial ministry. Government officials, former ministers and MPs are allegedly under scrutiny for suspected tax evasion and other financial crimes. With several lists containing names of potential tax evaders here and abroad, the SDOE would have to work until the end of the century…

Up to 60 politicians are being investigated by SDOE, Greece’s financial crimes squad, for suspected tax evasion and other financial crimes, Kathimerini understands.

The figure is nearly double earlier estimates that put the number of officials under scrutiny between 32 and 36. SDOE has so far refused to confirm that the names which appeared last week in the local media are, in fact, on the list.

According to sources, the actual list includes the names of three government officials, as well as of a number of former ministers and MPs. The biggest majority of them, some 29 politicians, served in the Attica district, according to the same sources. Eight are politicians elected in Thessaloniki.

The list is now in the hands of Supreme Court deputy prosecutor Nikolaos Pantelis. Pantelis is to begin examining the list tomorrow and will ask SDOE to conduct a further investigation if necessary. (ekathimerini)

According to Sunday TO VIMA, a special economic squad has been established within SDOE to investigate money from tax evasion, drugs, prostitution and other illegal activities as well as black money in the political world.

SDOE has submitted request for the opening of 5,000 bank accounts of the people whose names are in three list:

Lagarde-List: with 1,991 names

London list: 400 Greeks who bought expensive real estate sin London

Money Abroad List: 54,000 names who transferred money abroad between 2009-2011

Politics List: hundreds of politcians (MPs, majors etc). (Vima via enikos.gr)

Meanwhile, head of Task Force Horst Reichenbach has apparently submitted to the Greek government a plan to effectively combat tax evasion: among other, the establishment of a data base that will automatically identify income declarations with bank accounts without a necessary and time consuming correspondence with the banks.

No problem with that. But first clean the issue of some 60+ thousands of suspected tax evaders, clean all the political scandals and if one has time could also thoroughly investigate the all the SIEMENS scandals and bribes, the submarines and other nice sotries of the last 20-30 years. Some MPs demand an investigation for the exorbitant cost of the Olympics 2004 and Special Olympics. A costs estimated between 8 and 13 billion euro.

PS Every time I drive down the Athens line, the corpses of the Olympic facilities are falling apart right before my eyes.  Every time a little more…

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