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German FinMin urges SYRIZA Tsipras to endorse the austerity program

The meeting between German Finance Minister Wolfgang and Greek opposition leader Alexis Tsipras from left-wing SYRIZA concluded in Berlin shortly after 2 o clock noon on  Monday. As expected the two politicians found no common ground and disagreed. According to Greek private Mega TV, Tsipras presented his party’s alternative program to take the country out of the economic crisis and underlined that the imposed “austerity has failed.”

tsipras schaeuble

On his part, Wolfgrang Schaeuble made it clear to Tsipras, that there was “no alternative to the economic adjustement program.”

 Citing sources from the German finance ministry, REUTERS Germany reported:

Finance Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble has urged Greek opposition leader Alexis Tsipras from radical left alliance SYRIZA to endorse the austerity measures of the conservative government in Athens.”

Following a meeting of the two men in Berlin, sources said that Wolfgang Schaeugle clearly state to Tsipras that the implementation of the economic adjustment program was “without alternative”. “Schaeuble has urged Mr Tsipras to endorse the path.”

The half-hour meeting between the two politicians took place on Tsipras’ request. Tsipras leads the biggest opposition party that strictly rejects the consolidation program associated with high unemployment and income losses.

In German Finance Ministry it was stated that the recovery of Greece was a national cause. In recent months, Greece has undertaken  major reform efforts. “Reforms are the only necessary way to bring Greece back on the road to economic recovery,” sources from Schaeuble’s environment told Reuters, adding  “Successes such as the upgrading of the sovereign rating and the improvement of current budget data confirmed this.”

PS German FinMin: “the austerity measures of the conservative government in Athens.” – I thought the austerity measures were imposed by Greece’s lenders EU/IMF/ECB under the pressure of Germany and the conservative government was obliged to accept them as the socialist government did two years ago…

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  1. Of course he did, wasn’t that to be expected? It is however very interesting indeed to see the subtle distancing from the austerity measures and pointing the finger at the “conservative Government” and “Greece’s recovery being a national cause”. What happened to “We support Greece all the way” “Greece is our Friend”, “We will do what is needed to help Greece through this crisis” etc.
    If Greece’s recovery is indeed a national cause, why all the interference?
    Could it be that the powers that be have decided that all the defences against “contagion” are now in place and Greece can be dropped from the “to do” list? Ireland next? Rumours abound of it needing a second bailout, growing debts, etc. Or Spain? Portugal?
    Has Schauble finally showns his true colours?

    • Yes, but they will wait until October.
      In the mean time the brilliant strategist Tsipras is telling that this meeting with Schauble was the first step into re-negotiation of the Memorandums… 🙄