Tuesday , February 11 2025
Home / News / Society / Very Mix / Greek Food Agency finds horse DNA in canned ‘beef’, salami from Latvia & France

Greek Food Agency finds horse DNA in canned ‘beef’, salami from Latvia & France

Greece’s National Food Safety Agency (EFT) found again horse DNA in ‘beef’ meat products imported from Latvia and France. In one case, the Latvian salami had 95.8% horse DNA.

-Salami “MOCKOBCKAЯ ΠΡΕΜИУΜ” (Moskowskaya Premium) 200-gr pieces produced by Latvian company “SIA GRAVENDALE” (LV A003355 EK ) and distributed by an Athens company. Horse DNA 95,8%.

– Canned “Beef in natural juice”, 325-gr cans produced by Latvian company “VIKTORS RADILOVECS VALDES LOCEKLIS RITAL D” (LV A002138 EK ) and distributed by Athens company. Horse DNA <1%

-Canned “Beef Tushonka” (stewed beef) in  400-gr cans produced by French company “ETS PAUL TOUPNOT CONCERVES VIANDES” (FR 65 286 002 CE) and distributed by a company in Aspropyrgos. Horse DNA >10%.

Authorities asked the immediate withdrawal of these products.

More product details like expire date here (open PDF)

PS I think slowly food control must get more intensive, right?

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One comment

  1. You do realize this horse crap is a scam…Right?