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Golden Dawn MP to PASOK-leader: “Shut up, you’re ridiculous and fat!”

Scenes of unprescedented aesthetic demonstrating the elegant manners of Greek elected politicians took place during the interrogation of PASOK leader Evangelos Venizelos by members of the parliamentary  committee investigating the two-year disappearence of the infamous Lagarde list with the names of 2,200 suspected of tax evasion.

Insults even below the belt flew through the air, glasses full of water were broken while even a microphone felt also victim to extreme-right testoterone. The parliament room turned into an “American bar”, an expression Greeks use to describe a place where everyobody can come and do whatever one wants.

The “circus” started on Thursday after a meeting break and after Venizelos told reporters why the meeting was interrupted. Instead of speaking some some disagreements, he to reporters:

“There is tensions due to testoterone, it’s a matter of endocrinology. In any case, medical science has not concluded whether psychiatry precedes endocrinology or vice versa.”

Episode 1

When the meeting resumed, Ilias Kasidiaris, Golden Dawn MP, took the floor and said ” I want to denounce that Mr Venizelos speaks instultingly about the commettee members… It’s you, Venizelos, lacking testoterone.”

Venizelos: I can’t follow such sexistic behaviour, Mr Chairmain, protect me.

Kasidiaris: I am a man, I’m not a hustler, I ‘m not a fraudster

Venizelos: But you are a fascist. The parliament cannot be in dialogue with such nazi behaviours

Kasidiaris throws down glass full of water, breaks the microphone and beating his hand on the table

Kasidiaris: Shut up, your are ridiculous and fat

Venizelos: Mr Chairman, protect me

Chairman to Kasidiaris: I withdraw from you the right to speak.

Kasidiaris left the meeting, Chairman Markogiannakis told rpeorters later, stressing “that was fascism in action.”

Episode 2

Adonis Georginadis, Nea Dimocratia, to SYRIZA Zoi Konstantopoulou: “You’re a low level subject “. She replied “You are the shame of parliament. ”

Episode 3
Venizelos allegedly to Konstantopoulou: “You are a vile person politically and parliamentary!”

Konstanstopouloy “You’re identical with Kasisiaris.”

(sources: ekahtimerini, newsit, zougla)

The meetings of the investigation committee have been charactrized by often tensions among the members, why the chairman often complaining that he would suffer a brain stroke.

Why don’t they resign as the chemistry is not working is a miracle. Unless the whole circus every once in a while has only one aim: to hinder the real investigation.





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  1. I have to say, Venizelos does have a touch of Mr. Creosote about him.

  2. Isn’t the golden dawn leader a bit heavy too?

  3. 1. These persons are not fit to hold the positions they hold. And that most likely goes for almost each and every PM at the moment.
    2. Yes, you are right it IS all just “to hinder the real investigation.” It has been done countless times before. And that brings me back to point 1.