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Greece’s new cabinet: Doric-style bullfighters… ?)

Prime minister Antonis Samaras felt the need to give some advice to his newly appointed ministers right after they were sworn-in on Tuesday.  This advice had more to do with their public appearance and was forwarded off camera, Greek media report.

Apart form the usual congratulations as if they had already achieved anything and stressing the expectations the people had from them, Samaras concentrated on the image making of the new Greek cabinet.

From what I understand the new Greek cabinet must have the features of a Spanish bull fighter and a doric style column….

“You must catch the bull by the horns,” Samaras told them and added:

“I want you to have a Doric aura. Few television appearances. Avoid theatricalities. Modestly and thrifty. Be cautious of your personal behavior.”

I don’t know what the cabinet ministers understood from “Doric” and “theatricalities”….

But certainly they understood the PM well when he told them they had to support the government, to brief him on their plans and suppress any problem as soon as it arises.

Doric, my Doric style and order:

The Doric order was one of the three orders or organizational systems of ancient Greek or classical architecture. The other two were the Ionic and the Corinthian. Doric style, the oldest and simplest of the three main orders of classical Greek architecture,  is characterized by heavy fluted columns with plain, saucer-shaped capitals and no base.

Doric Style is per definition ‘simple’ and ‘plain’.

To read what Samaras said on camera, click here.

PS it’s not clear if the ministers still try to interpret Samaras’ aadvice for the road…


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  1. Ionic, Corinthian or Doric… it still will be a column. The same crumbling and failing column. So, it’s all cosmetics like always.
    Let’s see how quickly the new/old ministers manage to get there cronies a nice, cozy and well-paid job and some rules and regulations especially for them…