It is a fact that SYRIZA is losing voters. One has just to ask around in his social environment people who cast their votes in favor of the left-wing in the January elections. But is there a factual reason as to why conservative New Democracy is galloping ahead as the latest public opinion polls indicate?
New Democracy overtakes SYRIZA in new opinion poll
A new poll by GPO for Mega TV has put New Democracy ahead of SYRIZA for the first time during the campaign ahead of elections on September 20, Kathimerini reports. According to the survey, New Democracy is on 25.3%, against 25% for SYRIZA. Meanwhile, a Pulse survey for the Action 24 TV station suggested SYRIZA is on 26% and New Democracy just one point behind on 25%.
It certainly plays a role that Antonis Samaras left the leadership of the party and was replaced by ‘interim leader’ Evangelos Meimarakis. But what does he have to offer to voters? For many Greeks, Meimarakis represents the old system and ND has not revealed its plan yet on how to deal with the MoU, the austerity measures and the crisis.
A minus point for SYRIZA is that Tsipras is still experiencing the trauma of seeing party members and top officials abandoning SYRIZA en masse. He has scheduled to reveal the plans of SYRIZA next Sunday at the International Fair of Thessaloniki.
Then, voters will have a clearer picture, and public opinion pollsters too.
One more thing to mention is that the average rate of ‘undecided’ voters seems still high, around 15%, and quite a number of voters considers to refrain from exercising his democratic duty and go the the beach instead to the ballot.
PS somebody commented that during the Referendum in July, public opinion polls were claiming still at 7 pm that the NO was at 51-52%. Two hours later the results proved them wrong. NO had the support of 62% of the voters.
Therefore, can we trust public opinion polls? Now? Later? Never? Or read them just as a hint?
Since January I have the feeling that Greek respondents have been making fun of the pollsters…
All Greek air-planes should pick up voters abroad and put up shuttle service to the boxes
It might be easier and less expensive to simply allow Greek expatriates to vote in the countries where they live.
isnt there an option to vote by mail?
in GR? No.