Do not miss an amazing cosmic phenomenon tonight, Monday, May 30th 2016. Planet Mars reaches its closest approach to Earth for 11 years this evening at 21:35 GMT. The red planet will be just 75 million kilometers away.
Mars has been steadily approaching, tripling its apparent diameter as seen through telescopes since January. But don’t be deceived by any internet messages claiming that it will appear larger than the full moon. The moon is just 384 thousand kilometres away; Mars will never come that close.
According to Guardian, a “close approach between Earth and Mars, known as opposition, occurs every 2 years and two months. It takes place because our planet catches up with Mars and undertakes it, like a runner on the inside track. Some oppositions are closer than others because Mars follows an elliptical orbit and it depends on whether we catch up when Mars is close to the sun or far away.”
Monday, May 30
• Mars is closest to Earth tonight (0.503 a.u.) and appears 18.6 arcseconds in diameter, though for all practical purposes it remains this close for at least another week.(via (Sky&Telescope)
Today’s extra night show can be observed at the south-east sky, short after the sunset.
PS and if you spot any mean little green men on Mars, just text me 🙂