US Ambassador to Athens Geoffrey Pyatt and UK’s Ambassador Kate SMith joined their voices and conveyed their disapproval of the Prison Council decision to grant a 48-hour furlough to convicted 17 November terrorist Dimitris Koufodinas.
Pyatt posted on Twitter also a The U.S. ambassador to Greece on Koufodinas’ furlough [17N assassinated four U.S. officials and the Greek driver of one of them]
I add my voice to those from across Greece’s political spectrum deploring prison council decision to release a convicted terrorist, murderer & N17 leader. Our democracies rest on independent judicial institutions, but today’s furlough dishonors the victims memory & their families
— Geoffrey Pyatt (@USAmbGreece) November 9, 2017
On Twitter, US Ambassador Geoffrey Pyatt posted on Twitter also a picture of a plaque with the names of four US officials and one Greek driver of them who were killed by the terror organization November 17.
UK Ambassador Kate Smith posted a plaque of 17N victim Brigadier Stephen Saunders.
Σεβόμαστε την ανεξαρτησία της Ελληνικής Δικαιοσύνης, όμως, είμαστε βαθύτατα απογοητεύμενοι από την απόφαση να δοθεί άδεια από τη φυλακή σε έναν τρομοκράτη δολοφόνο και συμμεριζόμαστε τον πόνο που προκαλεί η απόφαση αυτή στις οικογένειες των θυμάτων.
— Kate Smith (@KateSmithFCO) November 9, 2017
She wrote in Greek: “We respect the independence of Greek justice, but we are deeply disappointed with the decision to give furlough to a terrorist killer and share the pain that this decision causes to the families of the victims.”
Earlier on Thursday, Dimitris Koufodinas stepped out from Korydallos Prison in Athens, for the first time since 2003. He was cheered by suppoprters who chanted “Free Koufodinas.”