Justice stepped in and investigates media reports according to which a needy old man was kicked out from a seniors’ home for being gay. The Seniors’ Home belongs to the Metropolis of Kalavryta of the hardcore Bishop Amvrosios.
According to local media reports, the elderly man is suffering from serious health problems. When his condition deteriorated, he was transferred to the Metropolis’ Home for Seniors from the Elderly Care Unit “Aid at Home” of Patras Municipality.
The needy man was allegedly expelled from the Home last week, when the Bishop learned that he was gay.
It was reportedly the same institution that denounced the expulsion of the senior and the mayor of Patras about the Bishop’s decision as the needy man is a resident of the city in West Peloponnese.
According to local media tempo24news, the Home director intervened and the Bishop revoked his decision. The needy man returned to the institution.
After the case was made public, the prosecutor of the Greek Supreme Court ordered a preliminary investigation to be conducted by local prosecutors in order to confirm whether the senor’s expulsion form the home and whether the offense of punishable actions under the anti-racism law have been committed.
A month ago, the controversial Bishop Amvrosios was convicted to 7 months imprisonment for hate speech against gays.