Greece has updated its action plan against the coronavirus outbreak although no such an infection has been recorded in the country.
“Prevention is the best measure,” Health Minister, Vassilis Kikkilias, has said. HE did not rule out that the virus would not reach the country. a
Based on the latest ministry update on preparations made since the 2019-nCoV strain appeared, the following actions have been taken:
– Τhe action plan for handling public health crises has been updated and all health authorities are fully operationally prepared
– Thirteen referral hospitals have been announced
– All referral hospital have designated special quarantine chambers and every health region has at least one referral hospital with a negative pressure chamber
– All referral hospitals, ambulance crews and health regions have sufficient gloves, masks and suits and laboratory testing centres have been designated
– Drills simulating the possible admission of a new coronavirus case to a referral hospital, in collaboration with the ambulance service, have been carried out.
Steps taken at the entry points into the country are: dissemination of information to travellers and staff on what to look for and briefing of healthcare staff.
At the same time, healthcare staff and private doctors have been informed on ways to protect against and prevent the spread of the virus if a case should arise as well as action to brief the general public through the National Public Health Organisation website, posters at ports and airports, healthcare services, the media and social media.
The Health Minister is reportedly in regular contact with the World Health Organisation (WHO), the European Centre for Disease Control (ECDC), the European Commissioner for Health and Food Safety and the Chinese Ambassador to Greece.