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Home / FEATURED / Picture shows damage on Turkish frigate Kemal Reis after collision with Limnos

Picture shows damage on Turkish frigate Kemal Reis after collision with Limnos

Daily Kathimerini published on Wednesday a picture revealed the damage sustained to the right side of the stern of the Turkish frigate “Kemal Reis” during the collision with Greek frigate “Limnos” on August 12.

The captain of the Kemal Reis had sought to obstruct the Limnos, prompting the Greek ship to turn to avoid a head-on collision and in the process knock the rear of the Turkish frigate with its bow.

The damage on Kemal Reis is reportedly 3 meter long and 1 meter bright.

Citing sources, kathimerini writes that the Limnos narrowly missed the Turkish vessel’s pump room.

The Kemal Reis that was accompanying Turkish seismic survey vessel Oruc Reis and made dangerous maneuvers so that the Greek frigate would sail away. The collision was inevitable.

On Tuesday, Defense Minister Nikos Panagiotopoulos contacted per radio the commander of Limnos frigate and congratulated him for his navigation skills.

Commander Ioannis Saliaris responded that he had simply done his duty.

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  1. Simple geometry…if you are to avoid a head on collision you steer to the port or starboard and in both cases it is impossible to collide with the stern of the other ship ! Do they think we were born yesterday…some of us can still use maths !!! It was deliberate act and good on them !

  2. Yes!
    About time.

  3. where are images of limnos after collision?