Α new draft law on registration of lobbyists and restrictions on gifts to state leaders and government members was posted for public consultation on Tuesday.
It is the first such bill in Greece, and includes the registration of lobbyists as well as gifts, hospitality and other benefits which in general the Greek president and members of the government only be able to accept out of courtesy or diplomatic practice.
Besides private sector lobby groups, the specific registry will include associations, professional groups, chambers of commerce and agencies of citizens society. In terms of rules, the new bill prohibits staff of registered groups from lobbying for 18 months after their lobbying activities at the agency end.
In terms of the Greek president and members of the government, objects worth over 200 euros will be cared for by them but belong to the state. Generally, any objects with national, historical or cultural importance will belong to the state, regardless of value, and may be exhibited at the presidential mansion, the government seat at Maximos Mansion, or a ministry, or turned over to museums or other nonprofit institutions.
The bill will be available online for comments until July 19. [amna]
an insultingly pointless and empty gesture. how about after a politician does his master’s dirty work, and then goes on to sit on the board of some megacorp in another country with millions in ‘compensation’? how about a politcian or official’s brother or kid who owns a ‘consulting company’ again in another country, who gets millions in comfy ‘contracts’? how about all the ‘foundations’ and NGOs who provide heaps of funding to support the cause or agenda of some official or politician without explicitly actually ever giving him a penny? somebody still owes some big favors there.
you’d have to be as thick as bricks to think that some ‘law’ like this will do anything about corruption. we need to go far deeper to pull out the rot. These politicians need to be serving life in prison, nothing less. Fat lot of good a seat on the board of Megacorp Inc will do then.
wow! right you are! get up, stand up, … your leaders have turned your homeland into a penal colony