The defense agreement between Greece and France is “a threat to regional peace and stability” the Foreign Ministry in Turkey said in its first official reaction adding that Greece has “maximalist claims.”
“Greece’s maximalist claims for jurisdiction over maritime areas and airspace are incompatible with international law. It is futile for Greece to dream that it can make us accept these claims – which are also questioned by the international community – by forging bilateral military alliances against Turkey, in a manner that harms the NATO alliance,” Turkish Foreign Ministry spokesperson Tanju Bilgic said in comments on Friday.
“Such futile efforts will only increase our determination to protect our rights as much as the rights of the ‘Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus’ in the Aegean and the Mediterranean,” he said.
“Instead of cooperation, Greece’s defense procurement policy and its efforts to isolate and alienate Turkey is a problematic policy that will do harm to it and the EU, of which it is a member, and is a threat to regional peace and stability,” Bilgic added.
Defense deal Greece France here
What does Turkey call aligning itself with Russia, or violating established treaties and borders?
For some one calling another a gnat, trying to crash its borders, and boast about how it shoves them into the sea from their own lands, the hypocrisy is breath taking.
Turkey is the arisen problem from an expansionist dictator who jails judges and journalists with bellicose threats of war while aligning himself with other autocrats and terrorist organzations while calling others terrorists. Greece is only protecting itself from such an unhinged bully’s aspirations to pirate.
This is just more of the traditional hot air coming out of Turkey. All they can do is threaten, like their other partner in genoc9idal crime when it came ot Greece’s finances. Let them bark all they like, if they bite, put them down. The US was happy and as far as NATO goes, with friends like Turkey – who needs enemies.
Turkish lies and hypocricy.
This allied alliance does not “threaten NATO” than strengthen it with a more respectable deterrence. Instead, buying S400s from an enemy is what weakens it.
What policy of “zero problems with neighboring countries” when there is not a single country that they doesn’t have problems with!
How dare they accuse Greece of not abiding by international law or being maximalist when Turkey’s government, takes pride in the country’s Ottoman past, refuses bilateral relations, the International Court of Justice, or the Convention on the Law of the Sea.” It even threatens war if Greece expands its border that is fully within its full legal power to do so.
Only Turkey recognizes an area it illegally invaded and occupied in Cyprus. Turkey can not dictate international law as it wishes.
What “maximalist”? We see the aggressive militarization of not only Cyprus but Syria, Iraq, Libya and other Arab countries in the region. They even went on as to threaten Verosha recently. The hilarious map with Libya even neglects Crete. It isn’t worth the paper it was drawn on. These maximalist dreams have even went to ar as Somalia to also enter Africa.
It is endless.
Why are they protestuing this formaililty when France already sent warships in 2020 in response to Turkey’s unlawful violations and provocations.
Erdogan is begging to look like more of a fool every day at the expense of his people and regional peace.
Erdogan’s autocratic playbook will probably escalate provocation to deflect from his increasingly declining popularity by 2023’s Turkish elections.
As the economy sinks, this embezzling dictator lives like a rich sultan in a hundreds of room palace with luxury vacation properties.
Instead of creating unbearable provocations, he should worry more about the judges that he jailed because he is destined to wind up like what the Iraqis did to Hussein.