The European Commission has called on Greece to include in its national legislation directives on fighting children’s sexual abuse on the conditions of reception of asylum applicants, it said on Thursday, among other directives the country needs to implement.
The Commission is also referring Greece and another five EU member states to the Court of the European Union for not preventing damage to the environment by the introduction of invasive plants and animals.
– The Commission sent a warning letter to Greece and three more countries to ensure that all demands in the directive on fighting children’s sexual abuse (2011/93/EU) be properly included in national legislation.
-The Commission warned Greece, Belgium, Portugal, and Spain over not including in their national legislations the entirely of a directive on the reception of persons applying for international protection. The EU has begun infringement proceedings against the four countries.
– Greece and another five EU member states (Bulgaria, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, and Portugal) will be referred to the Court of the European Union over practices allowing the invasion of foreign flora and fauna to their countries. Greece did not draft, apply or inform the Commission of an action plan to manage the key routes of import and spread of these. The EU had sent a warning letter to Greece in June 2021 and a reasoned opinion on February 2022.
– The Commission sent Greece a reasoned opinion to include properly into its national legislation the EU legislation that penalizes hate speech and hate crimes. It had sent Greece a reasoned opinion in June 2021.
– Finally, the European Commission called on Greece to observe EU regulations on public procurement in public utility services. It has initiated infringement proceedings against the country over national legislation that allows fast-track tenders on public contracts for desalination units of a specific capacity on Greek islands.