Α total of 31 political parties and coalitions with 1,168 candidates have been registered in Greece to participate in the European Parliament elections on Sunday, June 8, 2024.
Greece elects 21 MEPs.
Voters will have the opportunity to choose from candidates representing these parties and coalitions.
They can mark their preferred candidates with up to four crosses on the ballot paper.
If more than four crosses are marked the ballot remains valid but counts in favor of the coalition, disregarding individual preference crosses.
Polling stations will be open from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m., where also the exit polls are expected.
Secure results are most likely at 9 p.m.
for the first time, the postal vote is being allowed.
Political Parties
The parties participating in this election process are as follows:
1. New Democracy
2. Syriza-Progressive Alliance
3. PASOK -Movement For Change (PASOK-KINAL)
4. Greek Communist Party (KKE)
5. Elliniki Lysi-Kyriakos Velopoulos
6. Νiki
7. Plefsi Eleftherias – Ζoi Κonstantopoulou
8. ΜeRA 25
9. Voice of Logic-Afroditi Latinopoulou
11. LAOS (Laikos Orthodoxos Synagermos)
12. Symmetecho (Participate) for National Sovereignty and Cyprus
13. Marxist-Leninist Communist Party of Greece (M-L KKE)
14. National Front
15. Organization of International Communists of Greece
16. Organization for the Reconstruction of the Communist Party of Greece
17. Party of Equality, Peace, and Friendship
18. KEKA-AKKEL Together for a Free Greece
19. Patriots-Prodomos Emfietzoglou
20. United People’s Front (EPAM)
21. Movement 21
22. Democrats-Αndreas Loverdos
23. Diaspora Network of Greeks in Europe (ΟDEE)
24. New Left
25. Conservatives
26. National Independence Movement
27. Union Of Centrists
28. Assembly of Greeks
29. Green Movement
30. Creation
31. World (Kosmos)
Poll and Participation intention
Recent polls have been showing a clear lead for ruling Ne Democracy, with a difference rate of +/- 15% ahead of main opposition SYRIZA.
A cause of concern is a possible low participation of voters, especially of people up to 35 years old who would rather prefer the next best beach to stand queue at the polling stations.
According to a poll by the european Parliament, 60% of Europeans, compared to 56% of Greeks, say they are interested in voting in the European elections
More than seven in ten European citizens (73%) claim that EU actions have an impact on their daily lives. About the same percentage (71%) believe that their country overall benefits from EU membership.
For European citizens, the priorities the EU should have to strengthen its position on the world stage are defense and security, energy issues and food security, and agriculture.
However, in Greece the election campaigns of the big parties were limited to a ‘war of words’ about past, present and future mistakes and wrong doings that have nothing to do with the European policy voters are called to vote for.
PS For me personally, top of the political European agenda should have been the Climate Change and the rise of the Far-Right.
But it seems that I stand alone with a few handfuls of other Greek voters…
I agree with your PS KTG but I can’t help you as I don’t have a vote.
Sadly the world is going to fail in its commitments to limit climate change. Energy storage is the key but too little effort has been put into developing it fast enough. Europe cannot transition away from fossil fuels to solar fast enough and maintain continuity of supply given the current situation with energy storage. Given that choice they will delay phasing out fossil fuels. It is happening already in the UK with a delay in stopping new ICE vehicles and issuing of new fossil fuel licences for the North Sea.
PS For me personally, top of the political European agenda should have been the Climate Change and the rise of the Far-Right.
Oh dear, (from a UK paper)
“The EU election, which has been held across the continent over the last three days, is the first since Brexit, the pandemic and Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.
On top of these, many voters have been hit by the cost of living, have concerns about migration and the cost of the green transition and are disturbed by geopolitical tensions, including war in Ukraine, and hard and far-right parties have seized on this and offered the electorate an alternative.
It isn’t only French citizens who have been wooed by the far-right.”
Many general elections in the next month – Ursula won’t be happy.