(Reuters) – Finnish finance minister Jutta Urpilainen on Sunday expressed her concern over Greece, the troubled euro state which has repeatedly failed to meet the fiscal targets set out by its international lenders.
‘Greece’s situation causes uncertainty, it is like cancer. As long as its own situation is uncertain, it will spread uncertainty,’ Urpilainen said in a seminar speech for entrepreneurs, according to the statement from the Federation of Finnish Enterprises.
‘…Greece all the time falls behind the programs and targets we have agreed together. Currently, it seems it cannot reach the goal of 120 percent (debt-to-GDP by 2020),’ she was quoted as saying. (via xe.com)
PS What’s next? I have to take urgent measures to protect my ears and my eyes thse days. The Axis is getting out of control…
She is real !!! (and tasteless)
My advise: just play it cool. Unsavoury comparisons like these are often hurting the messenger when the receiver is ignoring it or laughing. These comments are meant to score a local political point or two and tell a lot about the country these messengers are from. Nothing more.
of course. but I can’t stop wondering about the products of imagination.
And I am not suggesting you should. As ‘wondering’ is the basis of any good journalist. 😉
I was wondering if these ‘shoe gazers’ have some kind of expression in their almost unique language that makes this comparison with cancer totally humorous. Just wondering…
we should check via google or wordreference translations.