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EP President Schulz Rushes to Athens “No Bailout Programme, No Aid”

I could have started to count the warning coming from all sides of Greece’s lenders. One after the other, the e gentlemen warn Greeks that should left-wing SYRIZA party leader Alexis Tsipras demand for renegotiation of bailout programme put into practice, the country would see not a single cent from the  Troika loan to the debt-ridden country. 

President of European Parliament Martin Schulz is rushing to Athens for talks with the leaders of Greek political parties amid exploratory talks to form a coalition government. German social-democrat politician Schulz made clear that the loan agreement is not negotiable and warned that Greece won’t receive any bailout aid without a stable government.

“The agreements must be respected. I don’t think we can or should renegotiate,” said Martin Schulz, a German politician and president of the European Parliament, on a visit to Berlin.

“Without the formation of a stable government Greece won’t receive more aid from eurozone countries” Schulz warned.  In an interview with German tabloid newspaper Bild  Martin Schulz warned that  “the Greek parties must think carefully about the fact that a stable government that respects its commitments is a prerequisite for further aid from the eurozone countries.” 

However the president of the European Parliament refrained from defining “stable”.

Greek media quote Schulz as having said that the country needs development and employment policies and that if austerity programme could get some development provisions as absolute parliamentary majority would be achieved.

“After the complicated outcome of the elections, it is important to speak with the Greeks now,” Schulz stressed.

Martin Schulz could also speak with the Troika and with German chancellor Angela Merkel on development measures. Then it takes took to tango around a Memorandum of Understanding 🙂

Meanwhile, German Sueddeutsche Zeitung claimed that “representatives of the so-called troika — comprised of representatives of the European Commission, European Central Bank (ECB), and International Monetary Fund (IMF) — have cancelled a trip to Athens planned for mid-May. No further dates have been set, and the trip was put off, according to Brussels, in order to see what “democratic development” takes place in Greece.

Fully correct decision. With who could the Troika representatives talk in Athens when there is no government?

At the same time, more and more voices are getting loud in Germany asking “Greece out of the Euro“.

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  1. Why doesn’t this surprise me? Because its obvious that while they spout the word democracy around the EU they do not want anyone democratically elected to upset their apple cart by disagreeing with them…

    • keeptalkinggreece

      my today’s motto: Democracy causes nightmares to EU “democrats”

    • It is OK to disagree, but an agreement is an agreement, and it should be respected. I cannot see that Greece has any “natural” right to get any economic support at all. You harvest as you sow, and it is not the other EU member countries duty to give one single cent.

  2. Germany again threatens Greece it will no longer use Greece to bailout German banks again

  3. With who could the Troika representatives talk in Athens when there is no government?

    Isn’t the old government still there? Or is the country really without any government now? Can’t believe that… Surely there must still be a caretaker government?… or isn’t there???

    • keeptalkinggreece

      some ministers of the Papademos gov are caretakers but failed to be elected on May 6th 🙂 – Must definetely post about it!

  4. Yes, I was also curious as to who is actually in charge of Greece right now? Is Papademos still in the hot seat?