With additional agricultural products such a pulses, fruits, flour and vegetables, the civic initiative “Movement Without Middlemen ‘, starts its activities for the upcoming winter. started its activities last year.
During a nationwide conference in Katerini, North Greece, the members of the Movement decided to create an online platform when producers can submit their offers and consumers can find cheap agricultural products without middlemen.
They also decided to launch the movement’s own brand name “No Middlemen.” The first product to be sold with the bran name will be flour produced in Katerini. It will be sold at 5.90 euro for a ten-kilo package. At the market this flour is sold almost at the double price, the movement said.
However, potato producers from Drama, North-Eastern Greece, triggered reactions, when they said they will offer their potatoes for 0.50 euro per kilo. Last winter potato-producers sold several tonnes of potatoes directly to consumers without the intervention of middlemen and thus at 0.25 euro per kilo.
It looks as if this year middlemen became more wise. They offered potato producers to buy their products right from the field at 0.35 euro/kg.
It is obvious that potato-producers will have to have the middlemen’s offer as starting price.
Drama producers said that packaging and transport to local places forces them to ask 0,50 euro per kilo.
PS as if the middlemen would not try to break down the no-middlemen movement…
There is no need for middlemen. But middlemen don’t like that idea…
Great to see the Civic Movement sticking to it’s guns and taking on “the way things are done”. If only more people would do it….
Fast may it spread, long may it last!