Results of 25. January elections showed the inevitable: that Greeks are tired and fed up with the strict austerity program, tat has been imposed since summer 2010. Below is a color diagram showing the change in voter’s behavior. In fact they moved from socialist to right-wing and from there to left-wing.
Elections 2009
1. PASOK 43.92%
2. Nea Dimokratia 33.48%
5. SYRIZA 4.60%
Elections 2012
1. ND 29.66%
2. SYRIZA 26.89%
3. PASOK 12.29%
5. Golden Dawn 6.92%
European Parliament Elections May 2014
1. SYRIZA 26.58%
2. ND 22.74%
3. Golden Dawn 9.38%
4. ELIA/PASOK 8.03%
Elections 2015
1. SYRIZA 36.34%
3. Golden Dawn 6.38%
7. PASOK 4.78%
“Sic transit gloria mundi, ” as our Latin cousins used to say
Honestly speaking, 60 % or 65 % unemployment for young people is socially inacceptable and it is not strange that it produced a protest movement. The problem is impossibility of reasonable devaluation. I do not believe in Mr Tsipras’ remedies, and I suppose nobody knows now what to do… But I love this quote : “The next few months look to be the scene for the greatest game of “chicken” we’ve seen in the political arena for a long, long, time.” So at least much fun for the neutral observers – much less for Greeks.
Tsipras sure will make a big drama out of this, but since he has exactly zero leverage on the Troika, this opera will turn out to be a mixture of “Westside Story” and “Waiting for Godot”, I guess.
PS. Game of chicken between Mr Tsipras and Troika, Angela Merkel and so on. A passionating match is ahead.
Don’t expect too much, Peter, it will be rather boring instead. Merkel won’t move one inch at first. Greece hasn’t paid any debts back since the crash, Tsipras promised not to pay anything back, so that’s just a continuation of the status quo. Why should she offer anything and spent even more Euros on a hopeless case? Tsipras will have to move first IF he wants to prevent a Grexit at all!
I still think it will be interesting. Probably Greece should ask for 8 billions until 28 of February – and it is quite near. So the first event : will Mr Tsipras ask ? If he gets this money which is probable – waiting for June or July, I agree, this will be boring.
And also there will be some leftists wanting to change the attitude of Troika etc.
But maybe Mr Tsipras will be consistent , then quite probably Grexit in March – with flying colors. In any case, I would not call it boring.
The fact is, the markets reacted very lazily – so at least Troika needn’t be scared about panic and bank run outside Greece.
Not sure it would be reasonable to give Tsipras the money, expecting him to pay the lenders. He may use that for funding the generous election gifts he promised! No reason yet to trust him, after all his very much anti-Troika rhetoric. He has to prove first that he is more reasonable than he sounds.
I agree, but it is a relatively small sum and they may prefer to buy some time. Financial markets behave very peacefully, euro is getting a little up, Italian and Spanish bonds only a little bit down – so I think no more fear of contagion and bank run in Italy and Spain. The position of Troika is stronger than ever. But still, it can be reasonable to give it – Mr Tsipras can change his mind and nobody wants a quick disorderly Grexit.
now you have a dialogue? LOL
Oh, is this verboten here, kt? Only rephrasing of your opinions allowed, no discussions? Sorry.
these are not opinion, this is a constant spamming and trolling
Hey, that really hurt my feelings! I haven’ t been here for months. Pls excuse me for being a bit talkative. “Spam”, what a fat word for a slim guy like me!
Well, Peter, “relatively small sum” – 8 billions are about 800 Euros for every single Greek citizen! That’s money that THEY owe, but will be paid by other countries’ taxpayers. At least a “thank you” would be in order for such generosity, imho.
Anyway, the mood in German politics seems to be rather relaxed. They see that Tsipras has no leverage, indeed, and are curious if he may turn out to be more pragmatic than his fiery rhetoric suggests. Let’s wait and see, indeed.
i have been looking at irish tv at a well respected journalist making the point that the greek people have been treated shamefully and that the rest of the european’s should be supporting them but we can already see the attitude of our politicans supporting the EU and their stance on greek debt shame on them!!
Well, we already supported them generously with those big loans that we have to pay for! Greeks haven’t spend one Euro of their own on repayments since the crisis began, it was all Troika money. Instead of becoming emotional, reporters should focus on the facts, imho. EVERY Euro spent on the hopeless case Greece is an Euro missing in Ireland, Portugal or Spain, countries that have done much more to get out of the mess!
it’s getting boring, slowly…
Better boring than too much excitement, ktg! “Oil into the flames” usually isn’t such a productive move. Let’s hope cool heads prevail now, even if they are boring!