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Home / News / Politics / +++ PM Tsipras announces Referendum on Creditors’ Proposal , July 5th/2015

+++ PM Tsipras announces Referendum on Creditors’ Proposal , July 5th/2015

Athens – Live blog started 12:51

Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras is expected to address the nation still tonight. According to Greek media, Tsipras is to announce a Referendum that most likely is expected to be held on Sunday, July 5th 2015.

Currently PM Tsipras is briefing opposition party leaders on Referendum.

After arriving form Brussels a cabinet meeting was held.

Live Stream Tsipras here

Speeches address to nation started at 1 am.

“unfortunately our creditors put an ultimatum before us.”

“After 5 months of tough negotiations, our creditors resulted in an ultimatum towards Greece and its people”

Referendum on 5th July 2015

Question: “whether people accept creditors’ proposals or not”

Tsipras will ask creditors for a short extension of the program.

He has already informed Hollande & Merkel & Draghi.

Tsipras: “I will respect the people’s decision.”

The Referendum decision was unanimously taken by the cabinet
Tsipras said the Creditors proposal are against the EU rules.” He blamed mainly the IMF for the failure on agreement.
It was a long and very quickly spoken speech – I suppose it will be soon uploaded on PM’s website.
It is clear that Tsipras wants the people to vote against.
Energy Minister Lafazanis says all of the government  will vote “No” in referendum.
 I suppose Brussels were taken by surprise to hear about the Referendum.

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  1. Wise choice, this is the only way to get proper democratic legitimacy for either a yes or a no.

    • The real question is when the eurozone electorate will be allowed to vote on the continuation of Schaeuble running the show. This is the most anti-democratic piece of fascism that the Germans have come up with since 1945. (“It’s our money and we decide what happens” — when it is not actually their money at all)

      • The next vote for the bundestag is in 2017 and unless merkel steps down or the left does a 180 on quite a few issues so red-red-green becomes a possibility CDU will stay in government and schauble with it if his health will allow it. Better chance that his body wont hold up then that election will take care of it.
        You know what the irony is? I feel he was even scarier as minister of the interior.

        • I agree it is a good decision to let the people vote. The Eurozone proposal will be designed on the desire to keep Greece in while ensuring it gets through the various parliaments. I just hope Greek voters will be well-informed enough to vote on this matter defining the country’s future and don’t just vote “no” to the “ultimatum” for historic reasons. Greece can also be proud to vote “yes”.
          On German politics: I think Merkel will step down anyway in 2017. She is aware of Kohl, who held onto power for too long. Schäuble will be 75 years old then and deserves retirement.
          But don’t be misled. Germany is not running the show. Smaller countries like Slovenia are fed up with the Greek government that just ignores them.

          • Giaourti Giaourtaki

            So Slovenia is too stupid to invite politicians?
            Kotzias is touring Fyrom, Serbia, Montenegro, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Kosovo and Albania right now.

          • “But don’t be misled. Germany is not running the show. Smaller countries like Slovenia are fed up with the Greek government that just ignores them.”
            As far as I remember it was 18 to 1 from the start and over time that just got solidified, obviously that doesnt put the 18 on the right side of the issue, but the notion that this is all and only germany is ludicrous.

          • Giaourti Giaourtaki

            Who were the 21 states in the single currency of the 3rd Reich and why were the contracts of the Euro just cheap copies of it?

          • IF germany was half as dominant as you think it to bee the ecb would be headed by Axel Weber or Jens Weidmann, and your banks would be long gone because of no ELA.
            Also each and everyone of these states has these weird things called elections, where people choose their government, but i guess they msutve had that in the third reich too, so no difference.

    • Bizarre is a better adjective for PM’s choice (unless we are talking about Tsipras’s own politicking within SYRIZA). He is asking Greek voters to approve an offer made by the creditors in the context of the second bailout package, which is expiring on June 30. To extend it even by a day a few European parliaments have to vote in the next two business days. To maintain a semblance of normalcy within Greece, ECB will need to ignore the fact that the Greek government has broken off the negotiations and still accept the Greek government bonds as collateral. IMF will need to pretend the Greek government is not in arrears one month after a payment was due. A lot of institutions will need to ignore their own credibility just to let Tsipras have his referendum that late in the game.

      • Are you incapable of getting basic facts right? (I know the answer.) Tsipras is asking the Greek people to REJECT the austerity package imposed on Greece, while giving them the option to accept it if they wish.
        The Eurogroup on the other hand does not wish the Greek people to have any say in the matter. Their opposition to democracy is confirmed as a finality, and will end badly for them.

      • Giaourti Giaourtaki

        What “bailout package”? It’s a bailout blockade since August 2014

  2. It will be interesting how the question is phrased.
    But if “yes” means “accept 15B proposal” and people vote “yes”, what will Tsipras do? And if people vote “No”, what will the Troika do?
    And what will IMF do Monday? Declare Greece in default?

    • yes => Tsipras will sign and implement the atrocities. Don’t think he’d resign, because they can still make a difference, including renegotiating at a later point.

      no => Schäuble will curse, Putin will lure, Obama will push and counter, while Merkel and Juncker will seek to somewhat limit the substantial damage to the Euro currency. And while a Grexit would be likely, it therefore would be cushioned by the European “partners”.

      And the IMF default? That’s already expected and of rather minor importance. Finally it’s a political decision.

      • Minor importance? I think the people of Greece will learn a few new fact about how economies work.

        • The Greek people have had more experience of how economies work than most other nations of Europe, so your comment makes no sense. What will be interesting is to see if the German cripple and the Dutch DieselFlower will survive the impending eurocrisis. I do hope not: they are both such nasty and useless little bureaucrats

    • Henri Myllyniemi

      If the question is about this €15 bn. then the same show is ahead of us on December, if not earlier. I don’t know if I am eligible to vote yet, but if I am, I am voting for όχι.

      • Giaourti Giaourtaki

        If not, you may just ask a good friend who’s traditional boycotting elections if s/he will vote for you instead

    • Giaourti Giaourtaki

      Take a look to the IMF rules, this can take up to 12 months

  3. Tsipras’ address to the Greek public:

    “Greek citizens,
    For the last six months, the Greek government has been waging a battle under conditions of unprecedented economic asphyxiation, in order to implement your mandate, that of January 25th.
    The mandate to negotiate with our partners to bring about an end austerity, and for prosperity and social justice to return to our country once more.
    For a sustainable agreement that will respect democracy, as well as European rules, and which will lead to a definitive exit from the crisis.
    During the negotiations, we were repeatedly asked to implement memoranda policies agreed to by the previous governments, despite the fact that the memoranda were unequivocally condemned by the Greek people in the recent elections.
    We never considered giving in—not even for a moment. Of betraying your trust.
    Following five months of tough negotiations, our partners submitted a proposal-ultimatum at the Eurogroup meeting, taking aim at Greek democracy and the Greek people.
    An ultimatum that contravenes Europe’s founding principles and values. The values of our common European project.
    The Greek government was asked to accept a proposal that will add new unbearable weight to the shoulders of the Greek people, and that will undermine the recovery of the Greek economy and society–not only by fueling uncertainty, but also by further exacerbating social inequalities.
    The institutions’ proposal includes measures that will further deregulate the labor market, pension cuts, and further reductions in public sector wages–as well as an increase in VAT on food, restaurants and tourism, while eliminating the tax breaks of the Greek islands.
    These proposals–which directly violate the European social acquis and the fundamental rights to work, equality and dignity–prove that certain partners and members of the institutions are not interested in reaching a viable and beneficial agreement for all parties, but rather the humiliation of the Greek people.
    These proposals mainly illustrate the IMF’s insistence on harsh and punitive austerity measures. Now is the time for the leading European powers to rise to the occasion and take initiative to definitively end the Greek debt crisis, a crisis affecting other European countries as well, by threatening the very future of European integration.
    Greek citizens,
    We are facing a historic responsibility to not let the struggles and sacrifices of the Greek people be in vain, and to strengthen democracy and our national sovereignty—and this responsibility weighs upon us.
    Our responsibility for our country’s future.
    This responsibility obliges us to respond to the ultimatum based on the sovereign will of the Greek people.
    Earlier this evening, the Cabinet was convened and I proposed holding a referendum, so that the Greek people can decide.
    My proposal was unanimously accepted.
    Tomorrow, the Parliament will hold an extraordinary meeting to ratify the Cabinet’s proposal for a referendum to take place next Sunday, on July 5th. The question on the ballot will be whether the institutions’ proposal should be accepted or rejected.
    I have already informed the French President, the German Chancellor, and the ECB’s president of my decision, while tomorrow I will ask for a short extension of the program -in writing- from the leaders of the EU and the institutions, so that the Greek people can decide free of pressure and blackmail, as stipulated by our country’s Constitution and Europe’s democratic tradition.
    Greek citizens,
    I call on you to decide –with sovereignty and dignity as Greek history demands–whether we should accept the extortionate ultimatum that calls for strict and humiliating austerity without end, and without the prospect of ever standing on our own two feet, socially and financially.
    We should respond to authoritarianism and harsh austerity with democracy–calmly and decisively.
    Greece, the birthplace of democracy, should send a resounding democratic message to the European and global community.
    And I personally commit that I will respect the outcome of your democratic choice, whatever it may be.
    I am absolutely confident that your choice will honor our country’s history and will send a message of dignity worldwide.
    In these critical times, we all have to remember that Europe is the common home of all of its peoples.
    That in Europe there are no owners and guests.
    Greece is, and will remain, an integral part of Europe, and Europe an integral part of Greece.
    But a Europe without democracy will be a Europe without an identity and without a compass.
    I call on all of you to act with national unity and composure, and to make a worthy decision.
    For us, for our future generations, for Greek history.
    For our country’s sovereignty and dignity.”


  4. On july 5th you can have referendum about Mars colonisation, when you need an agreement before june 30.

  5. Wow, democracy in action – let the Greek people decide. I have almost forgotten what that means in anything to do with the EU.

  6. A good decision by PM Tsipras. Now watch out for the “sleight of PM” by Brussels, as they did with Papandreou!

    • The differences are (a)Papandreou is a moron; (b)Papandreou used a US bank to advise him; (c)the undermining of his position was implemented by Venizelos (who is doing his best to undermine Tsipras now, but is powerless). Syriza is in a powerful position politically: if they had been elected sooner, then probably Greece would not now be in this mess.

  7. Actually sad: from a country on its way to recovery to the abyss in 6 month. Remarkable achievement of Syriza.Since this party ids in power, the economy has been shattered. And they have alienated all their partners by starting to cancel all agreements made, call them liars, nazi s etc. So that leaves no trust that the borrowed money will also return.

    So Aas a EU taxpayer, I would vote for no more money to Greece. Enough is enough. And I cancelled my tip to Santorini in December as I do not know what to expect then.

    • Another northern European propagandist, I see. You expect Greek people to suffer in permanent silence because Germany and France decided to use public money to save private banks — with no democratic mandate for their criminal behaviour, not even from German and French taxpayers.

      Basically, you are a mug — believing the right wing propaganda that you are fed, like small children.

    • Too bad, but probably Greece will get over losing you as a tourist. Instead it will gain real friends. I met many people who are planning their vacation in Greece, many of them doing so just because they admire the country’s principled resistance against Schäuble’s atrocities.

    • Giaourti Giaourtaki

      Your “recovery” already finished the last quarter of 2014. One point for Samaras to quit was that the troika didn’t believed in his numbers. Funny that these numbers now are used by them and also funny that the real numbers always get published later and only every three months, so the exact numbers were published in March 2015 but ignored by the Nazi-lying Goebbels-media.

  8. I applaud a referendum. Tsipras is at a point where it is clear that he can not deliver to his voters what he promised. So the only way to democratically legitimize the course ahead -short of new elections- is a referendum. Nothing wrong with that and surely the better choice in these circumstances.

    The problem is the timing. Everyone was working towards a certain deadline while Trispas knew that the actual deadline was actually 1-2 weeks earlier so there could be a referendum. And now the rest of Europe shall throw in some more money to pay for those extra weeks which he so easily could have avoided.

    • Giaourti Giaourtaki

      Since when he’s a delivery boy? The “rest of Europe” didn’t pay anything, they block money since August 2014.

  9. “Tsipras’ six months of negotiations have failed. In the name of protecting the Greek people, all he has achieved is to reverse the recovery of the Greek economy, isolate Greece in Europe, destroy trust, create a bank run, and put the country’s future at stake.
    Thanks to Tsipras’ tactics Greece is on the edge of the abyss, both economically and politically.
    From now on, there are many questions but very few answers.”
    Demetrios Efstathiou

  10. Why not in the beginning?

    Afraid that the people could disagree with their government?

  11. It’s a shame terms can’t be agreed upon but the Greek people need to do what’s right for themselves I’m on the island of Crete for holiday and today was in the capital city iraklion the run on the banks has started massive queues at all cash points in the city and who can blame the Greek people with such uncertainty and the disgusting way they have been treated

  12. you did not agree about the proposels!
    so what to vote about?????

  13. So.. apparently its humiliating to pay debt? If you are Greeke, that is?

    • Giaourti Giaourtaki

      Looks like for the New Germans its more or how comes that the Nazis started paying back their debts to Greece in 1944 but they refuse to? Although without the 50% haircut Greece gifted them in 1953 their economy would have never become such a “miracle”, plus they were allowed to stop paying until reunification and all this they just forgot after their Wiedervereiterung? No they’d never forgotten it, they make jokes about it and these Greeks, that have the heck to ask for the never paid war-reparations and call every massacre necessary anti-bandits action.