One more lawmaker of ruling SYRIZA admitted that he received the Christmas Bonus (13th pension) for low-pensioners although he receives a good and mostly tax-free salary from the Greek Parliament. Are these the only MPs? Hardly.
Triantafyllos Mitafidis said on Friday that the mistake in granting the so-called once-off 13th pension was that the automatic distribution system did not take into consideration income criteria. “All low-pensioners received this extraordinary aid,” Mitafidis told Sto Kokkino FM.
He said that the income (salary) confirmation they receive from the Parliament does not include their pension income. “We say that lawmakers should not receive pension, even it is 400 euro.”
Stressing that the Christmas Bonus for lawmakers was a mistake and that the money should be returned, Mitafidis stressed “those [other political parties] who criticize us, should take a look into their own lines and find out how many of their MPs received the bonus.”
SYRIZA MP Makis Balaouras came under fire on Thursday when he admitted that he had received the Chrsitmas Bonus of 300 euros because the distribution system considered him as low -pensioner. His pension was cut at 70% since he was elected in the Parliament in January 2015. According to the distribution system his pension of €850 was law and he therefore was eligible for the bonus.
Many wondered that it was only him, Balaouras, among the MPs found eligible for the Bonus. Balaouras and Mitafidis are not the only pensioners elected to the Greek Parliament. Their pension is cut at 70 percent.
Estimation speak of another 20-25 MPs who have received the bonus. They have remained silent so far.
Except PASOK-leader Fofi Gennimata who had a spokesman telling reporters that she has does not receive pension since she became member of the Parliament.
According to ANT1 TV, “MPs’ assistants were seen standing line at the ATM of the Greek Parliament on Friday trying to find out whether an additional amount was booked in the bank account of their bosses.”
The Bonus was booked in December. And the Greek lawmakers do not know if an extra 300 or more was booked in their accounts?
The real Greek low-pensioner laughs out loud.
“They get so much money that don’t even realize an extra 300 or 400 euro,” a woman said on a report and another “Of course, they are aware they got the money.” A third said “I’d better refrain from commenting on this.”
Greece’s privileged lawmakers enjoy a 70% tax-free income from the Parliament. No wonder, they think a €300 or €400 extra is peanuts in a bag full of cash and not worth mentioning.
Is it the same lawmakers who will vote in favor of broadening the tax-free basis down to 6,000 euros annual income? No. the opposition parties will refrain from voting ‘measures against the society.”
Irony prevails.