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Athens: Protesters burn US flag outside embassy as they march in against Syria strikes

Thousands of Greek marched through downtown Athens and to the building of US embassy to protest US-led strikes in Syria on Saturday. The protest was organized by Communist Party KKE.

The protesters chanted slogan anti-U.S. slogans but also against the NATO and the EU.

Right in front of the embassy building they set an American flag on fire.

It was interested to see also soldiers in uniform participating in the protest.

The central banner was reading the “Greek government is supporting this crime serving the interests of capitalists.”

Among the slogans were heard “No the the intervention in Syria,” and “USA-NATO-EU are making the peoples bleed.”

 Some wrote on the pavement in red paint: “Americans, murderers of people.”

Police vehicles barricaded access to the embassy and protester ended left peacefully.

Dimitris Koutsoumbas, the Communist Party’s general secretary blasted Greek politicians for believing “flimsy excuses about a use of chemical weapons” by Syria. He also criticized their “subservience” to the EU and NATO, as well as their support for Israel.

He told the crowd “the imperialists once again spill the blood of the local people. They destroy and splinter states by using fabricated evidence.” (sources: protest on twitter & ap)

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  1. When will Greece finally recognize that the US and also the EU have never had the welfare of the Greek people in mind? Only extraction of money, purchase of assets for pennies on the dollar, and the use of Greek soldiers to do their dirty work throughout the Middle East and elsewhere.

  2. “CarlWilliam April 15, 2018 at 7:51 pm
    When will Greece finally recognize that the US and also the EU have never had the welfare of the Greek people in mind? Only extraction of money, purchase of assets for pennies on the dollar, and the use of Greek soldiers to do their dirty work throughout the Middle East and elsewhere.”

    Thousands of Greek casualties in the Middle East, eh?
    Sheesh. Bunch of crock.

    Taking out chemical weapons capability of a dictator who uses it on his own people = extraction of money. = Not having the welfare of Greeks in mind.

    You could claim that this bombing doesn’t have the welfare of Liechtenstein in mind…

  3. Although I’m the exact opposite of a Communist (a Libertarian) I totally agree with their outrage and frustration over U.S. policies. I cringe the thought of having to return to the USA temporarily to fulfill family obligations. I wish for peace and freedom to the Syrian nation. This is from an American, living in Greece and of Jewish origin (but not a Zionist and not a Jewish supremacist). All decent people loathe America’s controllers.

  4. He told the crowd “the imperialists once again spill the blood of the local people. They destroy and splinter states by using fabricated evidence.”

    Except the bombing didn’t kill anyone… oh the irony of the commies and their tales of “fabricated evidence”