Former Defense Minister and fierce opponent of the Prespes Agreement, Panos Kammenos, said that North Macedonia is not a threat as Greek tanks would finish the neighboring country in 20 minutes.
In an interview with local broadcaster TRT on Thursday, Kammenos said “We don’t fell any threat. Skopje is a 20-minute job. If a tank troop decides to cross the border it will reach the other side of Skopje, it will reach Serbia.”
Kammenos served as Defense Minister for four years.
He lashed out at his former colleague in Tsipras cabinet, ex Foreign Minister Nikos Kotzias who worked out the Prespes Agreement saying that he “acted treacherously,” and he complained that the Prime Minister deceived him on the issue.
The Prespes Agreement left the leader of Independent Greeks without parliamentary group and deprived him of the right to address the parliament as group leader. He desperately tries to politically survive the next elections, however, public opinion polls show that he will not succeed to pass the 3% threshold.
So the whole Macedonian name thing really WAS just a diversion from the real problems!