The Greek government will issue a Legislative Act with measures to avert and contain the spread of the coronavirus. The measures include, among others, restrictions of public transport means, suspension of education classes and private events.
The measures, focusing mainly to prevent the virus spreading. will be implemented depending on the progression of the disease worldwide and if there is a confirmed case of the virus in Greece, government spokesman Stelios Petsas announced on Tuesday morning.
The measures contained in the Legislative Act are:
- Imposing of preventive checks at the country’s entrance and exit points, such as airports, ports, railway stations or road networks with countries where the disease has spread significantly.
- Temporary restriction, total or partial, of train, road, sea and air links with countries with a high spread of virus.
- Temporary suspension of the operation of schools and all kinds of educational institutes, as well as cinemas, theaters, churches, sports and cultural venues, businesses, public organizations and other services and of large indoor gatherings in general.
- Restricting the circulation of public transport means.
- Forced requisitioning of beds in private clinics and hospitals, ICUs, hotels, private hosting facilities and other private properties by the state
Other measures refer to procedure issues such as:
- The transfer and hiring of health service personnel needed to address the spread of coronavirus,
- The state procurement contracts and allowing the direct procurement of health and hygiene supplies, individual protection gear and medicines.
- The emergency financing of the Health Ministry to cover emergency needs in terms of staff hiring and the purchase of materials and for protection measures.
The government spokesman said that the Prime Minister has given clear orders for the implementation of the specific plan.
More than 100 suspected cases have been tested in Greece since the coronavirus outbreak in China. They were all negative to coronavirus.
Greece’s authorities are on high alert after the outbreak in neighboring Italy.
PS No lockdown of areas, public and private buildings? Or we don’t need a legislative act for such measures?
This virus is just one more flu virus among many which all together are known as the common cold. Yes, every year, millions of people actually die from complications up to and including pneumonia, from all manner of flu viruses. There isn’t really anything special about this one except that somehow, it has been singled out as the foundation of a manufactured hysteria. Whatever the reasons for it (almost certainly originally related to politics inside china which only have meaning there) , all those in positions of power who dream of looking important by ‘fighting a crisis’ have jumped on their next chance to show how important that are. The actual reality is, that like any other cold or flu, yeah it is contagious.. like any other cold or flu , especially people with weak immune systems, preexisting respiratory problems, very old people, etc, all the people who every year succumb to colds and flus, will be more vulnerable. Otherwise, though, seriously, stop panicking.
One can only imagine how much more hype will be pumped when some megacorporation gets ready to cash in with a ‘vaccine’ for it… you can almost hear the bonus money falling into the executives’ pockets already.
tell those dying they’re die of common flu.