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Home / News / Politics / Turkey-GR / Turkey doesn’t expect EU sanctions, says FM Cavusoglu (POLL)

Turkey doesn’t expect EU sanctions, says FM Cavusoglu (POLL)

Τurkey does not step back from its claims in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea and both the foreign and the defense ministers confirmed this on Monday. The withdrawal of seismic vessel Oruc Reis from the Greek continental shelf  was merely for reasons of “maintenance” the top diplomat in Ankara said implying that the vessel that brought the two neighboring countries at standoff would return to continue its illegal activities anytime.

Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu said on Monday that seismic vessel Oruc Reis was withdrawn and returned to Analya for reasons of maintenance and therefore the navigation notification, NAVTEX, was not extended.

At the same time, he said  that Turkey does not expect the European Union to impose sanctions over a dispute with Greece over territorial claims in the eastern Mediterranean Sea.

The EU says it fully supports member states Greece and Cyprus in the dispute and has said it is drawing up potential sanctions if dialogue does not begin, Cavusoglu said speaking to NTV-Turkey.

He reiterated that Turkey was open to talks without pre-conditions.

On his part, the Turkish defense minister said also on Monday that “sacrificing our rights in the Eastern Mediterranean is out of question.”

Minister Hulusi Akar sad “We have rights, concerns, and interests in the Eastern Mediterranean. Some countries are making counter moves and taking actions against them. We follow them with great patience.”

“We are in favor of peace, dialogue, negotiations and solving the issue by political means,” Akar said, adding they will not allow any fait accompli and unfairness against the rights of Turkey and the Occupied territory in northern Cyprus.

In Athens, diplomatic sources said the military-level meeting between Greece, Turkey and NATO to continue a discussion on the NATO secretary general’s proposals with the Greek side’s observations will be held in Brussels on Tuesday.

However, discussions at the NATO are of “technical level” and have little to do with solving the dispute between the tow countries.
Greece has launched an international diplomatic campaign against Turkey’s aggressiveness and managed to convince the European Union to impose sanctions if Turkey doe snot proceed to a dialogue.
The sanctions list is apparently ready and the EU leaders are expected to take up the issue at the Summit next week.
Do you believe that Turkey will maneuver and use all possible tricks and refrain from provocations in order to escape EU sanctions?

Will Turkey manage to escape EU sanctions?

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  1. Hmm mm. … Turkey is in a financial downfall… and politics want to direct the peoples mind to terratory…. that’s politics people!! But believe me all countries are feeling the downfall due to corona…. Turkey and Greece have always had problems… due to government…. the everyday people are really not interested in WAR…. politicians and government are always speaking shite. …

  2. Your Vote-question is addressed in a confusing manner meaning that the first question negates the second:

    Do you believe that Turkey will maneuver and use all possible tricks and refrain from provocations in order to escape EU sanctions?
    2) Will Turkey manage to escape EU sanctions?

    Stick to one of the two if you want accurate results!