Archbishop of Athens and whole Greece Ieronymos and the entire Holy Synod have been placed in quarantine after one bishop was tested positive to Covid-19. At least ten bishops out of 26 in total have been tested positive, media reported.
The members of the Holy Synod held several meetings on November 4, 5 and 6. According to ANT1 TV, the meeting were held in a bigger hall than usually. All coronavirus protection measures ( face masks, frequent hands disinfection, social distancing) were held given the advanced age of several of them and the health problems some have.
On Friday, Nov 6, the Bishop of Kalavryta and Aigialeias Ieronymos was informed that he was found positive to Covid-19 after a test.
When the news became public, all bishops rushed for tests and medical examinations and were all placed in self-isolation..
Church sources told ANT1 that the majority of bishops infected with Covid-19 have mostly mild symptoms.
Rapid tests for 82-year-old Archbishop Ieronymos were negative, however, he was still waiting for the PCR test results. He is in self-isolation and has limited his contacts.
Several bishops are mask deniers, and were forced to change their public messages after the second wave broke in and the pandemic got out of control.
Oh dear,,,God did not protect them !!!
Nope, I think God, whatever his or hers name is, is a bit tired of humanity right now. The only thing we humans do is fight and for small things that do not matter in the end! We are destoying this, our only world, with our behavior. There must come a change in our way of living, otherwise we wont have a world!
Couldn’t agree more with you!