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SMS to exit home has “pedagogic” funtion, says Greek minister

Sending an sms to exit home has a pedagogic funtion, state minister and close associate of the Prime Minister Giorgos Gerapetritis said on Thursday.

Speaking to Skai radio, Gerapetritis said about the use of sms Greeks have to send to exit home for several activities or go shopping:

“There is always a symbolism in SMS, in addition to traffic control and restriction. What is the symbolism? That, in principle, we are still in a state of restriction of free movement.”

He added:

“Because the symbolism is high and I am afraid that with the possible abolition of SMS, I will create a trend that we can now move freely, that the party will start, that we will go to have fun. No. And I’m afraid that one of the few things that has high symbolism is the text message. Another is the end of traffic at some time in the evening.”

And then the unbelievable:

“These specific measures also have a function, let me say, pedagogical,” Gerapetritis.

This statement triggered an outrage on social media who and Greeks lashed out at the Minister saying that they don’t need educators.

It is not the first time the 54-year-old minister triggers outrage. Last autumn, when the second pandemic wave started to sweep across the country, he had defended the government policy to no strengthen the health system saying: ” If we had 5,000 ICU beds, the number of coronavirus deaths would be much higher.”

PS who are these arrogant people who treat citizens liked spoiled children measures? Where did they come froom? I don’t know them.

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  1. Just till the tourists on the 15th May of course.

  2. does anyone still believe that the government ever cared for one minute about our ‘health’? this is about POWER.
    ..and it won’t stop until the people lock up these psychopaths for their crimes.

  3. If anyone needs teaching!! It’s this particular minister, just shows what some people in a position of Government really think of the normal people.
    No wonder Greek social media has a lot of activity.
    The foreign nationals aren’t happy with this sort of concending remark either.

    • I think your “some people” should be changed to “all people”. It seems to me that all governments have either become nanny governments or a dictatorship, depending on your viewpoint.

      He is extraordinarily condescending, patronising and rude.

  4. Sorry that should be ‘condescending’
    My bag.

  5. You get the Government that you vote for! Get rid if you think they are ****

  6. But.. but Mitsotakis went on CNN and told us how he was the ‘special one’ in preventing an outbreak. I also thought SMS was world’s best practice and technologically superior to common sense.

    This minister just believes that we in this country have no common sense that’s all, they are just protecting us from ourselves and they devised the most advanced technology they have in their imagination to roll out.

    I wonder if they debated adding optinon 7 ‘Going for Coffee’ ? LOL

    • Savvas Andreas

      No…they can’t count beyond 6. That’s why they’ve had to stop there.

  7. As I look around I see people of all ages not wearing masks, or wearing them around their chins. I see groups of (mostly young) people gathering socially, not distancing and rarely wearing masks properly or at all. Perhaps some education is required? Or at least the self-discipline to implement these clearly sensible precautions.

    • Perhaps the comment was condescending but I agree that people are also pretty irresponsible.
      People want freedom but they don’t want to have responsibility over it. Then once of a sudden somebody else -the government, health authorities, etc- is responsible for it.