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Trial on fatal crash involving MP’s police escort vehicle begins after several delays

Three years after the fatal traffic accident outside the Parliament where 23-year-old motorcyclist Iasonas Lalaounis was killed, the trial of a police officer finally commenced on Thursday and thus after three postponements.

The police officer, driving a car belonging to the escort of PM’s sister and MP Dora Bakoyiannis,  is accused of negligent manslaughter.

The accident took place on March 14, 2021.

The unnamed police officer had reportedly pulled into Parliament’s Vassilissis Sofias Avenue side entrance, across the flow of northbound traffic from Syntagma Square. The 23-year-old motorcyclist was driving up Vassilissis Sofias, with a green light, at that moment, slamming into the car’s rear.

The impact threw the motorcyclist onto the asphalt, causing deadly injuries to his brain, even though he was wearing a helmet. He died shortly after in hospital.

According to the findings of the investigation, the police officer should not have been using that particular entrance at the time as he was not driving the MP – Bakoyannis, to Parliament and should also have waited for a signal from the police officer assigned to regulate the flow of traffic at that spot..

The victim’s sister, Katerina-Sofia Lalaouni, testified that the defendant falsely stated that he provided first aid to the victim when instead “he left him on the asphalt.”

Another police officer , a co-driver of the vehicle testified that they tried to enter Parliament “like every other time,” by turning left. He claimed that they did not see the approaching motorcyclist who made an illegal right-hand pass on a taxi that had stopped to allow their vehicle to turn.

Asked by the court’s presiding judge why the driver had disregarded the arrows on the road indicating a mandatory course straight ahead, the second police officer said that  “this is what has always been done.”

“Damn you, liar!” Iasonas’ family members and friends who attended the trial shouted in outrage at the officer witness.

He had reportedly more or less blamed the motorcyclist for the accident.and that the vehicle has no responsibility.

He even claimed that the victim was driving at high speed which is not possible in that specific area due to heavy traffic during the day.

These claims were in contrast to the autopsy report.

At one point, the Prosecutor addressing the witness said:

“You think you had the right to turn left? with the witness replying “yes, that’s what we thought because there was no sign [not to do so]“.

Fact is that any normal driver would have been fined if he had illegally turned and thus on a road with specific marks showing mandatory straight forward course.

According to latest information on Thursday afternoon, the prosecutor demanded the sentence of the driving police officer. The decision is expected to be announced tomorrow, Friday.

Jasonas ‘ family has been desperately seeking for the truth as they suspected a cover up for what it seems obvious reasons.

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  1. Hey KTG, I found a commercial by German fascist party AFD im this article. AFD is the german Xrisi aughi. Do you really mean that?

    I sincerely hope not.

    Cheers, Lars

    • keeptalkinggreece

      Ads are displayed randomly by google and they are usually displayed according to users’ previous search – so the algorithm..

  2. Yes. I want to support ktg. does not play any matter if I know how things work on the internet. But I know, if it was my site and therefor my job, I would want to take care of not supporting nazi stuff. Again: afd is not a joke.

    • keeptalkinggreece

      the thing with google-ads is complicated and -as I said- it’s customized according to reader’s previous online history and the ads-payer & what key words are used. Even if you read an article where x or y were mentioned.Note that random ads are not displayed to everyone surfing on one website.