An incredible arsenal of hand grenades, thousands of cartridges, flares, magazines, knives, other kinds of ammunition, explosives and bullet proof vests were found by Greek Police in a house in Menidi suburb of western Athens.

The discovery came after police pursued an Albanian national and his partner in a random check near Omonia Square in downtown Athens on Friday morning.

Αθήνα: Αυτός είναι ο 39χρονος Αλβανός που συνελήφθη με εκρηκτικά - Είχε  καταδικαστεί σε ισόβια για ναρκωτικά, αποφυλακίστηκε το 2015

In the vehicle, the suspect had a grenade and a bag with explosives and detonators, and this triggered a major police operation.

The man and his partner, a 33-year-old Albanian woman, were arrested and taken to judicial authorities, further search in his home in Menidi on Saturday revealed the weapons arsenal.