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Erdogan rebukes Greek Media & Opposition Parties

Erdogan rebukes Greek Media and admonishes Opposition

Erdogan vs. Greek Media: the Radar Confrontation

Turkish Prime Minister Tayip Erdogan is charismatic and a gifted orator. He is spontaneous and often his emotions prelude his ratio. He is also kind of choleric, with an authoritarian style and notorious for his outbursts either in local or international platforms. Socially (Prime Minister of 70 million people) and physically (1,90 m tall) dominating, Tayip Erdogan is the Alpha Male.

In addition to his personality attributes, Tayip Erdogan hates dust. Dust particles disturb his visual field, destroy his psycho balance and bring upside down his inner eco-system. Tayip Erdogan is a hegemonic leader, and dust nerves.

Greek Media representatives, in our case, Editors in Chief of major Greek newspapers, are Alpha Males as well. Most of them not physically, but definitely they are all Alpha Males socially. Born and raised in a patriarchate society, they represent media organizations so powerful that they believe they can glorify governments or bring them down in a single newspaper headline. You think they would follow ‘just like that’ the guidelines of Tayip bey?

So the Greek Alpha Males met with the  Turkish Alpha Male over breakfast Saturday morning. The rest is … history.

Getting inner more and more angry about the Greek’s questions on “FIR airspace violations by Turkish F-16sTurkish Prime Minister urged the media to “Speak positive about Greek-Turkish Relations. Do not function as radars” he said implying that Greek media record each and every violation as radars do.. And he continued saying that “Greek Media function like Press Offices of the Greek Generalstaff”.

“In the seven and a half years, I am Prime Minister, I didn’t bomb any country” he stressed and continued “If you are not calm, how can you properly transmit messages, so that there is peace in our region? “.

(EH? How can you, you dusty bugs….?)

Ethnos newspaper editor in chief, Giwrgos Xarvalias, responded promptly to the muzzle efforts of Tayip Erdogan,saying that “we have different perceptions on how media operate in functioning democracies”. The rest is on a youtube – video…

The news spread like a fire in radio broadcasts, online newspapers, websites and blogs .

Turkish Prime Minister Tayip Erdogan was already sitting in his private plane heading East when Greek Prime Time News  went on air and openly show their dissatisfaction to the Turkish Censorship Efforts.

Erdogan vs. Greek Opposition Parties

Tayip Erdogan, is a gratudate of religious Imam Hatip Schools. As a trained imam, he loves to teach, explain and admonish.

Turkish Prime Minister urged Greek Opposition Parties to support the austerity measures imposed by the IMF/EU aid mechanism. He stressed that consensus is needed to get the country out of the economic crisis. “All political forces should shoulder this responsibility because it is a purely national issue“, said Mr. Erdogan.

Main opposition party, Nea Dimokratia, released a prompt statement showing Tayip Erdogan what exactly is ‘a national issue’.

“We respect the Turkish Prime Minister, like any other foreign leader visiting our country. However, we note the obvious: the internal affairs of Greece are the sole case of the Greek people and the political parties of our country”. FULL STOP!

YOU TUBE VIDEO – Dialoge ERDOGAN – XARVALIAS – unfortunately in Greek only! first on

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