Some governing party PASOK lawmakers had to experience on their own skin the citizens’ anger over the Mid-Term Austerity Programme. Just a couple of days after they voted YES, several lawmakers in Volos and Lamia, in Central Greece, became the targets of people’s outrage. Most ‘unlucky’ of all was MP Nikos Tsonis who got confronted with a rain of eggs, yogurt, water and coffee. And things got even worst when a citizen even kicked and spit on the PASOK-deputy. Not even the police escort was able to save Tsonis from the protesters outside a local PASOK meeting.
Video: Lamia – Nilos Tsonis – Angry citizens – “French” Slogans
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Lamia people got angry on Tsonis, after he claimed on his speech at the Greek Parliament last Wednesday, that it was a Lamia resident who urged him to vote in favor of the Mid-Term Austerity Programme in order to avoid Greece’s default.
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Greek newspaper Real News even reported and published several pictures of leaflets and graffiti posted on the walls of the political offices of PASOK lawmakers elected in Central Greece.
Selling, Selling – You will get beaten
Apart from harmless accusations like “You sold out Greece” on “Shame for your Vote” , there were even dangerous ones threatening the lives of lawmakers.
Last Wednesday, right after the vote in the Parliament, MP Alexandros Athanasiadis, got attacked by angry citizens when he thoughtless passed by near Syntagma Sq on foot. Athanasiadis was another governing party PASOK deputy claiming he wouldn’t vote in favor of the Austerity Programme. However, in a last minute “political flip”(so the Greek media) he voted YES.
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Protesters get beaten and tear gassed by police at Syntagma Square, citizens beat and threaten lawmakers, it looks the “social arrest” several eggheads had predicted is here…