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Athens: Poet Consults in …Bridge Construction?

At first I couldn’t believe my eyes. Then the news “What does a poet and a bridge have in common?” published on Greek internet.  A blog revealed that a poet has been hired as consultant for the construction of a pedestrians/school children bridge over one of the main roads of Athens, Kifisias street. There is a obvious question as to how a poetic talent can be useful for the construction building of a bridge.

Poetry is, of course, a creative talent – In Greek one would use the same word for ‘constructive’ and  ‘creative’. However I think it would make more sense to hire a Yoga Master, trained in perfect bridge posture…

 Yoge Posture: Bridge

As the claims have not been dismissed until now, I assume,  there will be a poem hanging over the bridge when it’s ready… 

By the way, as the bridge is funding privately, why should we care? We don’t care, we just wonder…

News source: nonews-news

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  1. maybe they are jealous of the bridge of arta, which has a whole song to its name. they hire a poet to make a song to make it famous too. any other ideas out there?