A German geologist claims a tsunami could hit Greece. The scientific research claims of Klaus Reicherter, Professor for Neotectonics and Natural Hazards at the RWTH Aachen University in Germany, are based on centuries-old sources, like fifth-centry BC historian Herodotus ( 484 BC – 425 BC) and on the findings of excavations in the village of ancient Potidaea in Northern Greece.
Ancient historian Herodotus had reported of huge waves that had killed hundreds of Persian soldiers in 479 BC, during the Greco-Persian Wars that started 499 BC and lasted until 449 BC. However it wasn’t acient marine God Poseidon who had sent the waves to drawn the Persians but a tsunami.
Ok, that’s Atlantis…..
Modern catastrophologist Reicherter followed Herodotus reports and with four-year long excavations in the area confirmed that a tsunami had hit the ancient world.
“Reicherter and his team sought out lagoons to look for sediment like marine sands or gravel that are typical for an area affected by a tsunami. They also found evidence of massive blocks of rock formations “where you do have to ask yourself, how did they get out of the ocean,” Reicherter said.
The areas in question on the northwestern coast include popular tourist destinations. In the busy summer months, there may well be the risk of deaths, the Aachen scientists said”, according to Deutsche Welle.
Why the tsunami would hit the summer-tourists and not the winter-residents of the area is a scientific miracle, of course…
Reicherter revealed the findings of his excavations and unveiled his scare-tourists-to-death announcment at the annual conference of the Seismological Society of America in San Diego, California.
photo: science codex
BBC News wrote on the thrilling forecats:
German scientists say they have found evidence in northern Greece that the event in 479 saved the village of Potidaea.
The scientists from Aachen University warn the area may experience another massive marine event.
They say that northern coastal regions should be included among the Greek regions prone to tsunamis.
It is usually the southern coast of Greece which is identified as a risk area.
Greek geophysicists say earthquakes pose a much greater threat to the country than tsunamis.
“We have found several historic tsunamis on the coast,” Aachen’s Professor Klaus Reicherter told Germany’s DPA news agency.
“That means there is a certain risk for the coastal areas.”
Sediment on the northern Greek peninsula where Potidaea and the modern town of Nea Poteidaia are located shows signs of massive marine events, such as large waves, the Aachen study found. Excavations in the suburbs of the nearby ancient city of Mende uncovered sea shells likely to have been lifted from the ocean bed and tossed about during a tsunami.
We do not have the scientific skills to doubt there was a tsunami 2.490 years ago. We have also seen sea shells and sand in low mountain areas of German Upper Rhein Plains. But why a tsunami warning after a break of several thousand years especially when Greece urgently needs revenues from tourism?
PS Unless that’s a sponsored claim of junk…
Do read “To Poulima tis Panoreas”, which ends with a devastating tsunami.
The allegorical novella was published in abridged form as “The Pimping of Panorea” in Island Magazine (Google will find it)
Wishing for a tsunami in low mountain areas of German Upper Rhein Plains…..about as believable as a tsunami in Greece. History can lead but it cannot predict and think this guy needs to stop using his highly educated brain to scare folk.
PS maybe shells due to pre-historic floods – how about this version
So, does this mean that since Greece is hurting for revenue, we will never have a tsunami since that would be an anomaly?
Thank God, we can wait til Greece gets on it’s financial feet to worry about Tsunamis, so I won’t worry this summer for sure.
and when exactl will be the tsunami? in 2013? 2113? 2213?
In German racism spreading right-winger dieWelt he’s telling about possible 3-5 Meter high waves. Tell me, how can those blocks get moved by that small “tsunami”? If you go to on the map mentioned Possidi you’ll see that at some places about 500 meter from the beach there it’s getting a bit hilly. So those waves won’t stress. Also: If you have clear sight at the beach of Possidi you can see Mount Olympus and that is a sign that you might get storm, those storms can make waves of 3 meters and more – they are a bit dangerous but also real fun for kids with a small rubber boat – and they usually take 12 hrs or 24 or 36 aso, up to 78. The main problem then are not so much the waves – although they eat land – but the salty wind that can bring you problems for your tent.
Moufa will figure what’s going on Chalkidiki:
There will be no “tsunami” waves, for gods sake. use your brain for 1 time and turn off the freakin TV
Yes, for sure Mr. Klaus Reicherter. Dream on. Your plan about decreasing Greek tourism has already failed. people are not stupid you know. using your “academic” stature to fool common people??? they’re not buying it, sorry!!! .!.
I posed this article to my cousin who is a geologist in the UK. Here’s his reply if anyone is interested regarding Tsunami’s in Greece:
Start Quote:
Well, first I think I would like to know about the faults. It takes a normal or reverse fault to create a tsunami. These types of faults have vertical displacement and subsequently, displace the water which becomes the “Tidal Wave”. The article or lecture that you sent me did not have any of the fault data.
Second, these displacements, are usually feet of displacement; therefore, you have to ask yourself one important question
What is your elevation above sea level where you live? If there is a 3 foot tsunami coming and you are 75 feet above sea level, then you are probably going to be all right.
Lastly, How often you get earthquakes in Athens? I remember one not too long ago, and I don’t recall a tsunami warning…
thhhank you, Sue and Cousin!
I am the first author of the research and the scientist having work on that.
First of all, I am happy that people discuss research and thank all for their precious input.
This shows me many things, most of them are NOT tsunami related.
I won´t go discussing those issues, but facts.
But you all have to take into account, that:
this research work was published two years ago, our colleagues in Thessalonica have been informed on a meeting there in fall 2010.
First a reference to Sue Flawkey and her expert cousin:
Read Papanikolaou and Papanikolaou (2007), Quaternary International, for the faults in the area and their seismogenic potential. The faults discussed are normal. We modelled in 2010 (published paper) 2 meters of coseismic slip of a segment of the fault. The major fact is that the shallowing ans slowing of the generated waves will cause higher waves. Storm waves are rare in this area, and will leave an distinct geological record.
Our findings are:
1) 5 tsunamis in 5000 years between Thessalonica and Alexandropoulis
2) the waves are NOT comparable to Tohoku and Sumatra, but 2-5 m is enough
3) max run-up 800-1000 m (as observed in the Alikes lagoon)
4) the seismic source is the NAFZ (or smaller segments of it)
The consequence of that outcoming is: 0. No warning signs, nothing.
Holidays: I was speaking in the interview about SUMMER-holidays, I guess winter tourists in this regions are rare, if not absent.
However, in summer (August), beaches are crowded, with old, young, families (all coming by car to the beach) – keep this in mind.
How short- and narrow-minded can one be to think that tourism will help Greece to get out of the crisis? I cannot believed it.
Our research is going on , we need more and precise dates.
Contact us, if you need more explanation or details,
best regards
Klaus Reicherter
Thank you so much, Mr Reicherter, for taking time to send us this explanation. We are not seismic scientists but linguists and journalists.
Of course, tourism will not help Greece to get out of the crisis. But still, mentioning the tsunami possibility (1:1000 years?) ahead the tourism period sounded a bit of ‘suspicious’ – No offence, Mr. Reicherter, then Greeks have become very sensitive due to the massive and tsounami -like Anti-Greek sentiment coming from Germany in the last two years.
As you say it “This shows me many things, most of them are NOT tsunami related” -it’s about politics and economy, friends and foes, and clichees of ‘lazy citizens’ in a debt-ridden country.
Dear keeptalkinggreece,
thank you for your comment. And you are absolutely right, no panic, please.
Keep simply in mind, to observe nature, and if something “strange” in the sea or close to the coast happens, like retreat of the sea, be alarmed.
By the way, I have and I will spent my holidays with my family in Greece or greek islands at the coast, and enjoy Greek hospitality, food and the warm sea.
I think also that the media in Greece tend to exaggerate the “anti-greek” sentiments. Those Germans (not the politicians) who like your country and the people will definitely not resile because of tsunamis or crisis.
Gott Sei Dank, Herr Reicherter Keine Panik, nur Unterstuetzung! Doch Sie wissen schon, wie leicht ignorantes Volk in Panik geraet…
BTW: I must give you credit for accepting criticism – no matter how ‘un-scientific’ it is.
PS Always on alert, always ready to start running up and away 🙂
If you would read my 1st comment you would understand that only Hera makes Tsunamis in this area and not Poseidon.