Impressive is the increased support for left-wing SYRIZA even after the May-6 general elections. According to MARC public opinion survey conducted for ALPHA TV between May 8-9, while party leader Alexis Tsipras was assigned with the mandate to form a government, the respondent replied to the question about their voting intentions:
SURVEY May 8-9 – RESULTS May 6
SYRIZA 23.8% – 16.78%
NEA DIMOCRATIA 17.4% – 18.84%
PASOK 10.4% – 13.18%
Communist KKE 6% – 8.47%
CHRYSI AVGI 4.9% – 6.97%
DEMOCRATIC LEFT 4.2% – 6.10%
Again 19% of the “votes” would go to parties that would not manage to enter the parliament. Should SYRIZA emerge first, the party would receive the 50-seats bonus.
Have you an estimate how the parliament seats would break down under this survey? It looks to me that SYRIZA might get 140 seats.
In estimation about repeat election results:
SYRIZA 27.7%, ND 20.3%, PASOK 12.6%, INDEPGREEKS 10.2%, KKE 7%, CHRYSIAVGI 5.7%, DEMLEFT 5.7% With this result, Seats allocation would be: SYR 128, ND 57, PAS 36, INDEPGREEKS 29, KKE 20, CHRYSIAVGI 16, DEMLEFT 14. (ALPHA TV/MARC)