This is my very cheerful company in the morning. Gender: Male. Age: 1 year old. Color: Yellow. Feather style: perfect styled layers with five to six thin brushes of black on the head.
Species: domestic canary
Name: Kitrinoulis (Yellowish). I call him Agoraki (Little boy)
Main attributes: curious, chirpy and sunny
Absolute favorite morning snack: bread
Want to try before die: corn flakes
A pleasure to have around – unless one moves the cage in a place without view. Especially in a place without sea view! He curls himself in a corner and plays …offended.
He traveled all the way from Athens to the island in his cage. I bet he won’t like it at all, when summer vacations are over. He will return to his winter home. In a nice place right in front of the big living room window. But without sea view…
I love your daily newsfeed.
enjoy your vacation
thank you. I try my best. have good time you too.
I’m glad he is enjoying the views. Beautiful bird.
he is a real beauty indeed.