Saturday , February 15 2025
Home / News / Politics / Greek Health Minister: If SYRIZA wins, the banks will close

Greek Health Minister: If SYRIZA wins, the banks will close

How do you know that elections are right outside your door – even though not officially declared? When fear mongering revives… Health Minister Adonis Georgiadis dug deep in his brain archive and pulled out a scared-to-death and quickly running rabbit. The threat of banks collapse, should main opposition party, left wing SYRIZA wins the (undeclared) elections.

Adonis Georgiadis said in his simplistic logic that: if SYRIZA wins, it will tear apart the loan agreements and the banks will collapse because the European Central Bank will not give money to already bankrupt Greece.

“If SYRIZA is elected it will tear the memorandum, the ECB will stop giving us money and the banks will be closed, Adonis Georgiadis told Skai radio on Friday.

This fear mongering tactic to influence voters was the flag slogan of coalition government parties Nea Dimokratia and PASOK during the elections in May and June 2012. Of ourse, Samaras and Venizelos had added some other spicy ‘threats’ back then: that we will not have heating oil, medicine and other essential goods.

Even with ND and PASOK we don’t have heating oil, medicine etc because we cannot afford them due to high prices, overtaxation, unemployment and lack of insurance, health care reforms… But please, do not tell this to the health-care exterminator Georgiadis. He might suffer a shock and run out of arguments.

PS Hear! Hear! Greek internet users make fun of him and claim that this fear mongering cannot scare voters 🙁

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  1. “How do you know that elections are right outside your door – even though not officially declared? When fear mongering revives…”


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