The overwhelming majority of Greeks want to the Parliament to approve the agreement between PM Alexis Tsipras and the creditors. In a public opinion survey conducted by Kappa Research on July 14th 2015 for daily To Vima,gr
70.1% says that the Parliament has to approve the Brussels agreement and thus with broader majority; 25.3% says No
72% says the Brussels agreement was “necessary, 25/3% says there were alternative options
51.5% has positive opinion for the reaching of the agreement
72% considers that the agreement was one-way street and necessary
64.5% want government reshuffle, 31.2% wants snap elections
48.7% consider as responsible for the painful measures of the agreement “the European leaders who showed no understanding for Greece’s problem.”
44% considers as responsible “the Greek government that made mistakes and lost precious time.”
68.1% considers Alexis Tispras as the most suitable Prime Minister in case of forming a new government.
sources: ProtoThema, Mega TV
PS No, Greeks are not mad. They just know that the banks would collapse today, if there was no agreement yesterday. So simple. Nobody cares if a state collapses, but they all care about the banks, where some still have the savings of their lives, some await unemployment or disability benefits or their pensions…
Before the referendum, the polls also showed the leading of YES.
I do not think the YES vote was ever in the lead in the polls after the referendum was announced. Having said that, the NO vote was never ahead as much as it ended up being. I believe, a big surge in younger voters (not expected by the polls) explained that surprise.
Bullshit! Polls are paid fraud
Referendum is a form of a poll, no?
If that’s really true, then maybe the greeks deserve everything their fate. Because, if that really is true…if that really is true… frankly, how stupid can you get??!!!!
As an American who has read this blog since 2010 and watches geopolitics closely, I am sorry to say that while your country’s actions are understandable in terms of “post-traumatic stress disorder,” Greece is making an irrational and destructive decision to accept this abject slavery.
The upcoming years in your country will be very difficult– there’s no way around that. The difference is whether or not past and current suffering will be for any purpose. If you chose the freedom of leaving the Euro, you’d lose your life savings in the short term, but could unilaterally repudiate your external debts and have an opportunity to grow again in 5 or 10 years. Choosing the Euro, instead you have permanently sacrificed your national sovereignty and national assets.
A key point: There will be no “writedown” of your debts, ever, because Greece’s emotional clinging to the Euro deprives your country of any leverage in negotiation. Debt/GDP ratios will soar as your economy shrinks, and conditions will only get worse as the pounds of flesh claimed by Germany sends an ever-expanding proportion of your national capital permanently out of your country. Greece will never recover under the Euro until a war or revolution occurs.
The bottom line is that being afraid or tired doesn’t make trading your long-term freedom for fake short-term “security” any more rational. Understandable yes, madness, sorry, still yes.
Tsipras just said tonight Greece has no money to finance the new currency.
This is basically the problem. I had been thinking about whether Greece could secede from the EU and take over the printing presses of the Bank of Greece, just to get some cash in the banks. This would be unlawful, of course, and only a desperate short-term measure. But even then, the problem of how to create a new currency with a bankrupt economy remains.
No, the only solution is to accept the German sadistic behaviour, and plan for a way out within a year or two. The most important things are (a) to keep the banks operating; (b) have a viable currency for trade; and (c) keep state assets under Greek control, not allowing the criminals like Schaeuble and his finance buddies to get their dirty little hands on them at a cut price. This latter problem is the most difficult: Tsipras did a good job in blocking the theft that was planned, by relocating assets in Luxembourg.
Tsipras, afflicted with Stockholm Syndrome, is lying to you. Having sovereign control of your own money supply means that banks could be recapitalized in a quantity of new currency of your choosing. The new currency would initially depreciate 50-75% in purchasing power relative to the Euro, but the loss of your savings would be offset over time by capital inflows and economic growth, especially in terms of increased tourism and export competitiveness. The wounds would be deep, but unlike within the Eurozone, they would heal.
You’re never going to have more money to “finance a new currency” than you do now.
What Tsipras is doing makes sense, if he wants Grexit. If he does, any promises and agreements make no difference. What matters is how much money he can get out of Troika. All together he may get around 100B. Once he gets the money, he’d need to renege on the deal and exit Eurozone. At that point, he is in a much better position to get debt forgiveness, creditors will be happy to get even half back.
I have to agree. I have been very sympathetic to the plight of the people of Greece. But there is a saying, “You can’t have your cake and eat it too”. If you want to take your country back there will need to be great sacrifices. If you wish to remain a colony instead of a country, then stop all the strikes and demonstrations and accept your decision and your fate. The puppet show is now over and the identities of the puppets and the masters are now revealed. And believe me, America is no better.
don’t worry…this farce has a few more installments before it becomes clear to ALL that continued participation in the eurogroup is impossible. by then, people will be stronger in their beliefs and ready to make the decision…
the drachma was hardly ever discussed seriously a year ago!
Metis does not know what he is talking about. The conditions for the loans are vey lenient. There is also a pause in the payments. Altough every euro has to be paid back, the timescale is so long that inflation may have seriously decreased the value of the debt. Moreover, the US was more strict on Detroit and calefornia when that went bust. So pls look in the mirror.
Absolutely spot on, Metis! The only way out of this game is not to play it, i.e. turn the tables over and quit. And no, the banks won’t collapse – if Greece started issuing its own currency, banks would have been recapitalized and things would have started getting better. The euro depositors would of course have lost part of their money, but that’s another thing and the banks wouldn’t have collapsed. The Tsipras’ statement that Greece doesn’t have the money to print the drachma is a pathetic and laughable excuse and shows that he believes people are so stupid that they won’t understand how silly this is. Somehow he forgets that Greece has plenty of assets and is about to hand over EUR 50 bn in assets to pay the debts. And of course, these polls are all fraud as mentioned above by GG. How can it be that people have totally changed their minds so quickly, since July 5 referendum?
which national sovereignty do you mean? Its all gone in the EU, economically and more and more financially too. Only the big three or four kept some political sovereignty with their veto-powers in all important matters. For the smaller States like Greece and many others the sovereignty is located in Brussels. As there is no European Goverment and no european political will, all important political matters are still shaped and decided in or between Berlin, Paris, London, plus one or two. The ultimate “go on” is reserved to the President of the US, who is the real master of Europe or the “euroatlantic community” if you prefer. Have you ever seen an American that was of the opinion that the US should not have a politiical or moral claim to be Nr 1 in Europe?
In Portugal news today, Tsipras allegedly said that he does not believe in the agreement he just signed…
he did
I don’t think this poll is true.