During a press conference on Sunday afternoon, Alternate Minister for Migration Yiannis Mouzalas confirmed that one man identified by the French as terrorist passed through Greece. Ahmad Al Mohammad, 25, was one of the suicide bombers in Stade de France, he blew himself up and the passport was found near his body.
According to Mionister Mouzalas, the man arrived at the island of Leros together with 198 people by boat from Turkey, he was fingerprinted, photographed and registered according to the EU regulations and Schengen Treaties.
Mouzalas gave the name of the man as “AHMAD ALMOHAMMAD” and showed a copy of his passport, including his picture.
“He arrived from Leros to Piraeus on October 8th,” Mouzalas said adding that “he appeared again in Serbia and Croatia and from there his traces were lost.” He probably entered Serbia via FYROM. Serbian Blic reported earlier today that he was registered entering Serbia on October 7th. CNN reported earlier that the passport may have changed hands on Leros.
Information given by Minister Mouzalas”
“Name Almohammad Ahmad, born on September 10, 1990 in Edlip, Syria.
He traveled from Turkey to Leros, where he entered on October 3rd 2015 by boat, aboard which other 198 people.
He was registered by the port authorities and fingerprinted at the police department of Leros, according to the same EU regulations for all refugees and migrants.
On 4 October, he was brought to prosecutor on the island of Rhodes and a legal permission to stay in Greece for six months was issued. This permission is a “Certificate to prohibit a legal removal of any refugee due to weakness for six months.”
On October 6, he obtained a ferry ticket to Piraeus but due to weather conditions he got on the ferry in the next day and arrived in Piraeus on October 8th.”
During the press conference the Migration Ministry displayed slides showing the picture of the man, his fingerprints but also a copy of the document that would allow him to stay in Greece for 6 months.
“Based on the information French authorities gave us the man who has passed through 5-6 European countries is a terrorist, they treat him as a terrorist linked to the perpetrators of the attacks in Paris,” Mouzalas said adding that the man was checked only in 2-3 out of 5-6 countries.
“There is a possibility that he traveled further through Germany, Switzerland, Austria, Hungary to reach France, but he was not registered in any of these countries, ” Mouzalas noted. he stressed that Greece had never any information that the man was linked to terrorism.
The man was identified by the French as one of the dead terrorists in Paris after Greece sent all data (fingerprints, name etc).
Sources from the Greek Ministry for Public Order told Athens News Agency that it is up to the French authorities that now have the man’s passport in their hands to check whether it is fake or not.
Source for Mouzalas’ press conference NewsIt.gr via AthensNewsAgency and several Greek TV channels.
I believe, the suicide bomber was identified not just by the passport (probably, fake), but also by his severed finger found at the site, which is matching the fingerprints taken in Greece and Serbia.
Yeah, the finger only survived cuz he had it stuck in his nose but where is his head, was the finger cut, was the finger stored on ice, does it show traces of explosives?
I think the ‘finger’ is from another terrorists’ attack site.
They’ve found finger and passport close to the soccer-stadium and that they’ve leaked the finger is also a bit weird as exactly at this location there was only one death-causality. So in a sense of better police works they’d better never talk of a finger but of prints only