Seven children, two women, four men did not fulfill their dream for a better life in Europe. they were drowned in the early morning hours of Wednesday, when their boat sank off the island of Farmakonisi in the eastern Aegean Sea. One person is still missing, while 15 people were rescued.
The passengers had left Turkey on a 6-meter long speed boat. The circumstances of the sinking were not known.
Rescue boats of the Greek Coast Guard found the 15 people in the cold water. Two women and a man with severe hypothermia were taken to the hospital of Leros.
According to International Organization for Migration, 816,752 people arrived in Greece by land or the sea in the time period 1. January – 21. December 2015.
More than 3,500 people did not make it.
PS I though Turkey had signed an 3-billion-euro agreement with EU to stop the flow of refugees and migrants. Apparently, the money has not been book in Turkey’s bank account yet.